Sunday Synth Jam: This video, via Igor Vasiliev, captures an ambient audio soundscape, created with his SoundScaper app and a variety of hardware.
SoundScaper is an ‘experimental sound mini lab’ for creating unusual soundscapes, atmospheric textures, drones, glitches and noises based on circuit bending ideas.
Technical details:
Also used in this performance: Roland Juno-60, Roland Space Echo RE-201, AKAI MFC42, AKG ADR68k. Recorded on Sony TC-510-2 Stereo Tapecorder (BASF SM911).
SoundScaper is avaiable for US $$5.99 in the App Store.
If you’ve used SoundScaper, leave a comment and share your thoughts on it!
Very cool, I bought this. cool set up he has
I created an alloy of whale sounds (reversed) layered with pads from Absynth (also reversed). The sample “oscillators” have a ram chip emulation where the osc addresses memory blocks in any number of different ways. Quite innovative and it’s gonna get used a whole lot.
does anyone know what this white box next to the iPad is?
Isn’t it the Soundscaper hardware, before the iPad, is it?
Yay! It is.
DIY Box, overlooked the video’s intro. Thank you!
Wish it would be available, despite the app I’d like to knob around with it..
It’s great – lots of fun to play around with, I just wish I had the Space Echo as well
It looks really complicated but you get the hang of it pretty quickly, the short manual helps a bit. Just goofing around is the way to go with this. I rattled together a quick track when playing around with it: