The Sonar Traffic Synth Collection At Kytopia, Utrecht

This video, via sonicstate, takes a tour through Kytopia in Utrecht, NL and the fantastic Sonar Traffic synth collection.

In the video, Sonic Traffic’s Allert Aalders tours the Kytopia building (formerly the Tivoli theater) and then through the ST studio. 


Sonar Traffic is a studio that offers recording, sample libraries and more. Here’s what they have to say about their massive synth collection:

We are synth freaks. Our large collection of vintage analog & digital hardware synthesizers, drumcomputers and effects is here for you to enjoy. Replace your plug-in tracks with analog monsters, record with the machines directly, jam on drum machines and sequencers.

We are always on hand for advice, tips and tricks, helping you out to get a great sound for your music.

Synths available at Sonar Traffic include:

ROLAND: System 700 System 100 Jupiter 4 Jupiter 6 Jupiter 8 SH101 (x2) TB303 Juno 106 (x2) Juno 60 Juno 6 MKS 30 MKS 50 U220 JD 990 KORG: MS20 (x3) VC10 SQ10 Mono/Poly (x2) Polysix Poly 61 EX 8000 MOOG: Minimoog Memorymoog The Source Realistic MG-1 SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS Prophet 5 rev 3.3 Pro-One OBERHEIM OB-Xa (in service) OB-8 (in service) ARP Oddyssey (white face) SYNTON Syrinx ENSONIQ SQ80 Mirage rack WALDORF Micro Wave Pulse (x8) Q CLAVIA Nord Rack II KAWAI K5000R CASIO VZ 10M YAMAHA DX 7 DX 7 II FD (E! expanded) TX 816 TX 802 TX 81 Z FB 01 FS 1 R CS-5 DRUMCOMPUTERS ROLAND TR 505 TR 606 TR 707 TR 727 TR 808 TR 909 CR8000 AKAI MPC 60 MPC 1000 MPC 2000 MPC 2000 XL KAWAI R100 KORG KPR55 S3 Wavestation A/D LINN LM2 SEQUENTIAL CIRCUITS Drumtraks CASIO RZ 1 SIMMONS SDS8 SDS800 MODULAR Roland System 700 Elektor Formant (3 systems) Eurorack: Cwejman, Intellijel, Doepfer, Makenoise, WMD, Synthesis Technology etc

You can find out more about the studio at the Sonar Traffic site.

8 thoughts on “The Sonar Traffic Synth Collection At Kytopia, Utrecht

  1. Wow,,,a real treat with a Master sound engineer. I used to be at CBGB in New York before they closed down. Alas. nostalgia. Great Elektro sounds. Thanks

  2. These guys not only have a cool sound design studio, but they have a museum-quality collection of classic synths. The music hall looks really nice, too.

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