Maxsynths has introduced DR-910 – a drum machine for Windows, inspired by the Roland TR-909.
The developers say that, in terms of sound, ‘the DR-910 VSTi is a faithful reproduction of the original device: each sound section (bassdrum, snare drum, etc.) has been developed to sound and act as similar as possible to the original instrument’.
The plugin includes also some extra features not available in the hardware version: a reverb unit with independent send controls for each sound source, a compressor tailored to work with drum sounds (based on the same engine of MaxSynths DSP-1) and a Lo-Fi FX processor.
These extra features will help the user to quickly shape the sound as desired without using external plugins. However if you need to process the signal with external effects, each drum module can be routed to four different stereo outputs that can be independently processed in your DAW.
Here are the official audio demos:
- Faithful emulation of the original sound
- Four stereo outputs
- Mute and pan options for each instrument
- Independent send level to the built-in reverb unit for each instrument
- Built-in compressor featuring IDP cicrcuit
- Built-in reverb unit routable to output 1-4
- Lo-Fi FX with three independent modes
- Full MIDI support through MIDI CC#
- Behringer BCR-2000 custom template
- Easy to operate
- Low CPU usage
The Maxsynths DR-910 is available now for €24.99.
oh thank god! I was worried we wouldn’t have a new Roland x0x clone out this week, but thankfully someone made another!
doesn’t sound all that faithful to me i’m afraid
nice sound but where AU support for mac users?
Will compare it to the D16 plug. I bought Nepheton, which I like, but haven’t bought a 909 plugin yet. Is there no sequencer on this one? Can’t see it on the website.
Bought. The price is a steal and, to be honest, it sounds way better than Drumazon and other similar plugins to my ears! Do not have a sequencer but who need it these days? My fav 909 emulation so far.
Well i would assume that the sequencing happens in your DAW no?
A 909 clone without sequencer (and the classic shuffle feature) is not a 909 clone.
And a 909 clone without individual out is not a 909 clone as well
Yes a 909 without TR step sequencer, it’s like a car without wheels…