Arturia has introduced V Collection Classics – a $229 collection of 5 software recreations of vintage synthesizers.
Here’s what Arturia has to say about the new Collection:
We’ve selected what we believe are the “desert island synths” and called it V Collection Classics.
These 5 synthesizers have proven to be the true survivors in a sea of technology; they resurface again and again in modern music.
Here’s the official video:
Arturia V Collection Classics includes:
- Mini V
- ARP 2600 V
- Prophet-V
- Jupiter-8V
- Oberheim SEM V
- Analog Lab
- Includes 6 software titles: Mini V, ARP 2600 V, Prophet-V, Jupiter-8V, Oberheim SEM V, and Analog Lab.
- Each virtual instrument in V Collection Classics can be used as a stand-alone application or as a plug-in within your favorite DAW
- Easy MIDI mapping to any keyboard controller.
- Manage your licenses via our new ASC software. No dongle or e-licenser required.
- Resolution up to 32-bit/96kHz.
- Thousands of high-quality, innovative sound presets.
- Polyphony is variable from 2 to 32 voices, with unison modes available.
- Adds features, not available in the original synths:
- Modulation Matrices
- New filter types
- Step sequencers
- Keyboard split and layer
- Innovative modulation sources
- Smart preset management
- Additional effects
- Arpeggiators
- Manuals in English, Japanese and French
Arturia V Collection Classics is available now for $229. See the Arturia site for additional upgrade and crossgrade offers.
Were I stranded on a desert island, I would want a steam calliope. All you need is wood and water and you have tunes. (Arturia’s web site blurb adds the caveat of solar panels to their mix. I always find it kind of unusual to think of being stranded with exactly the ton of equipment you would need. It would be like having those electricity producing trees from Doctor Who. How convenient.)
A steam calliope, is that what Grumpy played in Snow White?
Actually I was thinking more of Peter Schickele’s album The Intimate P. D. Q. Bach which included “Hansel and Gretel and Ted and Alice, An Opera in One Unnatural Act.” I cannot recall ever having seen Disney’s Snow White, unless it promoted me to a state of hysterical amnesia.
I love how they keep sneaking the Prophet VS in pictures but it’s not even in the collection. Only on iOS. Tricker!
Both the Prophet-5 & Prophet VS are included in the Prophet V !
Little news scoop: The Prophet VS is the other half of the Prophet V. Click a button and the V panels swing away and VS panels swing out. It is two… two… two synths in one.
What? Not 64-bit?
Its 64-bit.
No more $#@! dongles? Okay, NOW I can be interested.
FWIW, they got rid of the dongles a long while back. I’ve got the V3 collection and it uses the eLicenser, but you don’t need a hardware dongle and you get two licenses for the one purchase price, so I run the full collection on both my desktop and laptop without needing to do a dumb-ass dongle swap. Just install and forget, like any reasonable piece of software.
No CS-80V? That’s my real “dessert island” synthesizer. I got Arturia’s CS-80V years ago – that was the one I wanted the most. A few months ago, I got the whole V-Collection, and CS-80V is still my favorite. I have to admit though, I am enjoying 2600V a lot also. Matrix12V is great in concept, but it needs some touch-ups.
My favorite dessert synth was a cake shaped like a D-50.
My biggest problem with this. GUI. just aword of advice to anyone out there who is interested. I work with QHD displays and arturia is still stuck in the early 2000’s as far as size goes. Things are TINY and even with my glasses its near impossible to see anything. Huge dissapointment, I bought the entire collection because I needed some old type sounds in my collection and now I have them but Its so hard to program with such tiny interface. This needs to be addressed arturia please! its 2015. not everyone works in 1024×768 anymore. I bought it for a good deal and Im happy with the sounds but PLEASE fix this and word of advice to anyone out there! My native resolution is 2560×1600. Arturias response…. LOWER YOUR RESOLUTION.
Seems par for the course for Arturia.
So disappointed with them would like to check out this collection, but I know from experience that what has been said in the past about their not keeping up with GUI or any other updates i probably true. Update Beatstep/Microbrute/and V collection!
I should update and say it’s not EVERY single plug in. But most of them. The ones with the most buttons suffer from this. So to be specific CS80, Moog Modular and jupiter. The other plug ins are more usable as far as sizing goes but they still look awful in comparison with other companies like Komplete, which looks fantastic on QHD displays. Just wanted to be more SPECIFIC.
I already have the SEM V and this works great on my HD diisplay, also have the Jupiter8V which does indeed have tiny graphics..theSEM V i use alot..not so much the jupiter 8 V
fArturia is all air no substance
How is this different then the V Collection 3 I bought a few years ago?
I doubt anyone can say without buying it. I bought the V3 after having bought all the individual V2 programs in a 2-for-1 sale that had a coupon for a third so I got 3-for-1. Arturia always posts the latest updates for free download within major versions so I had all the latest V2. There was nothing in the V3 promo copy that indicated otherwise, so I assumed all the included models were new version 3. To my surprise, all the ones that I already had were the same model v2, only the Spark Vintage and Wurlitzer V being new additions. The old Analog Laboratory and the new Analog Lab were included, but since I already had the Analog Factory they were just variations on a theme. Fortunately the upgrade special price was only $99, which can be said to be worth it for the Spark Vintage, Wurlitzer V, and the Analog Lab alone. I would say if you have V3, unless there are new versions listed on the web site as being specifically version 4, the V4 upgrade will probably have only what is already available on the V3 update page. The V Collection is for new buyers, not old customers on the upgrade path.
This is not the “full” collection, but instead a “light” version with just a handful of synths. If you already own V3, this gets you exactly nothing! Upgrading from V3 to the full V4 adds the Matrix 12, Solina, Vox Continental, and the full version of Spark 2 drum software. I’ve held off on the updating from V3 myself, but considering as they are running a pretty good update deal this month.
I have always felt that instead of offering the whole pile for one price, they should offer to let you pick say three or four synths of your choice for a lesser price. Because that seems to be about how many anybody usually uses when you get the full collection!
– No aftersales support
– no driver support
– no bug fixes
– no commiunication
– most plug ins have some sort of bug, many will not even run and if they do they will crash constantly
Spend your hard earned money on something like Uhe Bazzile or Zebra – Synths that WORK and have support
Couldn’t agree more with Charlie on that.
Aside from their terrible GUI’s, Ive had nothing but bad experiences with their support. So really fuck them.