Roland System 500 Modular Series at Musikmesse (Sneak Preview)


At Musikmesse 2015, Roland has introduced the System-500, an all-new, fully analog modular synthesizer, based on two of the most revered electronic instruments of all time—the SYSTEM-700 and SYSTEM-100m.

Designed exclusively for Eurorack, the SYSTEM-500 delivers ‘classic Roland sound with all the advantages and reliability of a modern instrument.’

Here’s a first look, via sonicstate, of the new analog modules:

The Roland System-500 modules are expected to ship in Q3 2015. Full specifications are and pricing are still to be announced. See the Roland site for more info.

22 thoughts on “Roland System 500 Modular Series at Musikmesse (Sneak Preview)

  1. I want to see the price first, but ok, I’m interested in some of them. I hadn’t expected that. I was guessing a 303/808/909…

  2. Synthtopia has confused the digital modules and the System 500 modules.

    Quote: “Roland has announced four modules in the System-500 modular synth line:” and then lists
    Bitrazer/Demora/Scooper/Torcido. Those are the 1-m style digital modules. Fully DSP, configurable by computer or app.

    The 500 series are all analog. There are 5 of those. That’s the first graphic, the ones with the sliders, based on classic Roland modules.

  3. Ok, so some stuff shown here is not entirely accurate. The top image is correct. Those 5 units shown together are Roland’s System-500 ANALOG modular units. All of the other units described in detail are technically AIRA effects and are fully DIGITAL. Of course all of these can be patched together, but the effects units highlighted here are not part of the Roland System-500 analog modular line.

  4. This is awesome… A full line of analog modular synths combined with the power and versatility of software based modules and effects. Well done Roland, I’m definitely in… Endless possibilities. Let’s just hope they use modern electronic components for the system 500, so it won’t cost a small fortune like the new Moog modular (love Moog modular, but too pricey for most people)…

  5. As for pricing, I’ve read in a couple of places that the System 500 analogue modules are expected to be around $300 US each.

  6. software based modules and effects ….pretty much the direction i was heading in from the start

    i am still hoping for a 5u usb front end for Arturia Modular V

    and i hope Ableton live gets in to the game

  7. The only dissapointing thing about these system 500 modules vs the digital modules to me is the one thing they are lacking in difference from the digital ones, they are Eurorack only. Why couldnt they have just dropped them into the same eurorack/free standing cases as the digital module so as to not necessarily require eurorack power?

  8. Where’s all the Roland Fanboys who said digital sounded better and is the format for the future! Cat got your tongue now

  9. are amasing.i hope the people turn down the price of the old version and i hope roland.make several modules of this sistem 500…thanks roland

  10. I’ll be the first to get in line as Ive been using the 100M for 20 odd years.. just hope they get a sequencer module in the works that rivals or at least equals the Metropolis

  11. “3 Moog mother 32 with Three-Tier Rack kit” or “Roland System 32 with his SYR-E84 eurorack case”. Which one and why, this is an important question for me. Which one and why?

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