Musikmesse 2015: Here’s an update, via The Tuesday Night Machines, from Mode Machines.
Video Summary:
Mode Machines have some exciting new instruments and a new hands-on MIDI sequencer at Musikmesse 2015. Julian also shows me a new USB-to-MIDI interface, a MIDI Arpeggiator and a standalone VST Host box.
More information is available at the Mode Machines site.
The knobs are too tall and too close to each other. The design needs tweeking. And if you are a dummy, give me a thumbs down.
Another armchair synth designer, maybe you should get in touch with them and offer to fix all of thier problems ?
it wasn’t made for your mum to play
I agree it’s ugly with this standard x0x case
The case is an off-the-shelf Pactec PT-8. The cost of designing a custom plastic case is simply too great for many small manufacturers. That’s why you see this design so much. It’s hard to find a suitable enclosure.
Wow! Firstly, I really like TTNM he does such great videos!
This company Mode Machines is doing so many great ideas! I definitely have to check them out. I love the detail in the sequencer where you could just apply shuffle to one beat of a sequence.
And the v ped, where you can use vst’s without needing a laptop. Sounds amazing.
Interested in vPed…
– is the screen touch sensitive?
– what is the screen resolution ?
– what VST version (2.x, 3.x) ?
– the CPU – what is it equivalent to in PC or laptop ?
I hear ‘tube drums’ are all the rage?
Any pricing info on the sequencer?
Their SID Sequencer looks really cool.
I wish they had demoed that.
looks like the original poster goat a bunch of his mates in or has 19 different names and accounts.
Mode Machines look interesting, I will look at their site.
Intel G1610 2.6GHz Processor, 32bit floating internal processing and 24bits 44.1/48Khz
celeron not optimal for audio processing. 96kHz better for minimal latency
If your gonna spend the money you want i7 quad
All the down votes came from metasonix. They want revenge.
my thoughts exactly.
after years of following synthtopia, the shenanigans are getting to be quite bothersome. the thumbs system needs to go. off to kvraudio for some reliable content.
For posts to get so many downvotes i suspect people (or just one person) has repeatedly logged in with false email addresses to do so.
I have a mode machines SiD and its a great machine. The build quality is pants, but 10/10 for functionality and sound.
P.S the lady/ada/fruit business was a long long time ago. Its time people grow up and get over it.
You can’t downvote twice from the same IP. It has nothing to do with email addresses.
Downvotes are real – all individuals, all single votes.
If you rake in a bunch of downvotes, you might have said something unpopular.
on a 4g type network its abusable. i can vote multiple times on my own posts, for example.