CV Toolkit 2.0 Deluxe Pack Overview

This video,via Spektro Audio, is an overview of the new Deluxe Pack available for CV Toolkit 2.0.

CV Toolkit 2.0 is an app, for Mac & Windows, that lets you use software synth modules to control, modulate and sequence your synthesizers, via control voltage (CV).

The Deluxe Pack includes 9 new modules: Biased Switcher, Shift Register, Euclidean Sequence, Logic, Matrix Sequencer, MIDI Control, Trigger Burst, VC Switch and VCA.

CV Toolkit is available now for $19.99. The new Deluxe Pack (which adds 9 modules) is available for 9.99.

25 thoughts on “CV Toolkit 2.0 Deluxe Pack Overview

  1. I’m intrigued, but there’s a couple things not clear on the site or a quick glance at the manual. Does it support Hz/V? I don’t have a modular but I do have an MS-20.

    Also, what sort of audio interface do you need? If I’m not mistaken most interfaces filter out the frequencies CV operates on. Anyone have a link?

    1. Hey dude!

      The Notes module in CV Toolkit can only calibrate V/Oct so far but I do plan on adding support for Hz/V in the future.

      As for the audio interfaces, you’re right, most interfaces are ac coupled.
      Basically all DC-coupled audio interface such as the MOTUs should work with CV Toolkit. It’s hard for me to list every DC-coupled interface out there but you can often check for that kind of information on the interface’s manual.

  2. I am not clear about how you can tell if your audio interface will work with this either. It might be helpful for them to have a list of compatible interfaces on their website?

    I am also not a fan of add on packs. Just price the thing with all the whistles and bells.

    1. Hey man!

      I’ll be completely honest, I’m also not a big fan of in-app purchases and separate add-ons however, as an indie developer, I have some reasons as for why I decided to do that: if I were to charge for the all modules at once and I later decided to add more modules, I’d have to add them and either offer them for free (which is hard for me since these often take a lot of my time) or call it an upgrade and charge for the upgrade.
      By offering these add-on packs, I can keep the price of the main app very reasonable and I’m free to create and add these modules as I make them.
      I do have plans on adding bundle options in the near future tho 🙂

      Keep in mind that the 2.0 was also a free upgrade for existing customers, so I decided not to charge for the new features and only charge for these extra packs which are completely optional.

      I totally understand your side and I promise I’ll always do my best to make sure it’s fair for everybody 🙂

  3. Man I was just making a small plea on audiobus forums for an iPad app that would do this. I think that would really blow my ass off.

  4. “In order [to use] CV Toolkit with your synth, you’ll need a DC-coupled audio interface or an Expert Sleeper’s ES-3, ES-4, ES-40, ESX-4CV, and ESX-8CV modules*.”
    “* Support for the Expert Sleepers ES-4, ES-40, ESX-4CV and ESX-8CV modules is still experimental therefore it might be subjected to bugs. Our plan is to improve the support for these modules in future updates.”

    1. Hey Dylan,

      CV Toolkit is a standalone application and it’s focused on creating control voltages for analog synthesizers. While CV Toolkit can create MIDI CC messages, it cannot create MIDI notes therefore you can’t, for example, use it to sequence virtual synths.

  5. Hi Icaro, I’m the person that keeps asking you about implementing a solution for AC coupled soundcards like Silent Way does (using some basic caps/resistor hardware and a modulation signal I think).

    Anyway, if that’s not likely, How about knocking up a quick free “CV Studio compatibility test” app, that just outputs, say, a CV scale arpeggio across a single octave. That way people could test their cards (or homebrew modded cards)? I’m no programmer, but presumably you could quickly remove all functionality from CV Studio and just leave part of one function working so users could test compatibility?

    Just a thought

    1. How would you get the output from CV Toolkit into the Silent Way encoder? Would you have to use up another audio output and input pair?

      1. The same way as the DC Coupled u just run the jack from the outputs into the AC encoder and from there u take another jack and use from the AC Encoder to what u wanna send the cv to 🙂 the AC Encoder is as i understand a way to convert ac coupled to dc coupled

  6. I’ve tried the AC encoder using the demo of Silent Way (only works for a short while). The AC encoder is a VST plug-in, and you run the output of that into the DIY hardware and then out frrom there. As CV Toolkit is standalone, I am not sure how you would route its output into the Silent Way VST plugin unless you used an extra hardware out and in channel.

  7. Bought this and tried it thinking that it would be a perfect compliment to my ES-3… and I have to say I’m not a fan. It’s a Max/MSP-based application bundle, and was finicky getting my audio device to work with it. Once I finally did get everything set up, I quickly realized that it could not support multi-client connections to my audio device. So, this means that it’s the *only* app that can be running and using the audio device at any given time, which makes this mostly useless for me, since I also want to be able to run a DAW on the machine while using this to send CV to the modular.

    Also, the width of the application window is fixed at a size that makes it too wide for the monitor I am using this on (it’s a 24″ Dell rotated into portrait / vertical mode).

    Overall, I think the concept is a good one… but the execution is flawed. Had I known this was just Max/MSP bundle up-front, I would have passed on it. Not worth the money.

    1. Hey Adam,

      If you’re on Windows then yes, only one software can take control of the audio interface at the time. Please keep in mind this is not an issue specific to CV Toolkit but it’s a standard behaviour with the default audio drivers in the operating system.
      Alternative audio drivers such as ASIO4ALL and other ASIO solutions can help you fix that problem.

      As for the window size, I tried to make it as small as I could (I’m myself working on a 13″ monitor) but I admit I did not consider the possibility of running it on a vertical monitor. I’ll investigate into it and see what I can improve on.

      Besides being a developer, I’m also a customer of many other products. I don’t want you to be upset with your purchase so if you’re not happy with it, please get in touch with me via email 🙂

      1. Hey Ícaro,

        Thanks for the reply. No, I’m on Mac OSX. It’s an issue on this platform, too.

        I think the availability of a demo would alleviate all of these issues. Potential buyers would have a chance to try it and see if it fits their needs before buying.

        Thanks for the offer to contact you re: the purchase. I’m not upset, just a bit disappointed that I won’t be able to use it since it’s not working the way I need it to. For others, this is likely a great tool.


      1. Hey READYdot,

        That’s just my opinion on this particular purchase for my setup, not on all MaxMSP bundles in general, or even this application for other people’s setups or needs. The reason I stated that I would not have purchased this if I’d known it was a MaxMSP bundle is that I am a MaxMSP user and developer myself. I can pretty quickly piece together simple patches that fit specific needs versus needing to buy them from other developers. In the latest version, generating CV and BEAP modules are part of the basic functionality… so, hence the statement that if I’d known this was just a Max patch, I would have passed on it.

        The last sentence of my post was badly worded—it should have read something more like, “Not worth the money for my needs”.

        Hope that clears up my statements…

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