Sunday Synth Jam: This video, Waveguiding, captures a live modular synth jam by Joseph Fraioli.
Here’s what he has to say about the technical details:
no computers or external hardware were used in this performance
patch basics:
kick: tiptop audio circadian rhythms (CR) channel 1, blue lantern asteroid BDv4 (CR is in 1×64 step mode)
snare: CR channel 2, cylonix cyclebox v2 with expo maths envelope into intellijel hex vca.
hi hat: CR channel 3. noise engineering basilicas iterus.
karplus strong style bass: make noise mysteron triggered by the intellijel metropolis which is synced the to the CR clock out. output is then multed into a vca channel and opened by the sound machines light plane then fed into the make noise erbe verb. the light plane has two recorded gates that open the vca to the erbe verb…
plucked melody: mutable instruments braids PLUK being sequenced by channel 4 of the CR and pitch sequenced by the tiptop z8000 through the intellijel uscale then processed through the tiptop z-dsp. modulation to braids parameters coming from the modcan quad lfo.
bass chords: sound source is the cyclonic shapeshifter in chord mode (5ths) and overdrive at 99 on the BiPuls waveform. this is then fed into the cwejman MMF-1 in low pass and manually adjusted throughout. additionally there is amplitude modulation by way of modcan quad LFO into a VCA. this sound is being sequenced by the divide output of the metropolis into two pressure points.
chord harmony: this is the intellijel rubicon through the serge resonant eq and modcan dual phaser and qu-bit RT60.
this sound is also being sequenced by the divide output of the metropolis into two pressure points. though this time a separate row to create the harmonies. amplitude modulation here is also coming form the modcan quad lfo into a vca.
end sub kick: CR channel 8 triggering the tiptop BD808.
end claps: CR channel 6 trigging the hex inverter mutant clap through the flame fx6.
Our analog modulars are becoming too digital. Irony.
That was a nice tune to wake up to, I’m in a good mood now, thanks! This was really good, one of the better modular jams that I’ve seen in awhile. Cheers!
Hands down the best modular jam I have seen in I don’t know how long.
Thanks for sharing!
got a video showing the cabling set up?
or would that be 3 days long?