SirenAudio has released Wash – a new Max For Live audio effect that uses comb filters to create dense ‘washes of sound’ (akin to a watercolor wash).
- del fb (delay feedback) : determines the amount of feedback, with higher values producing longer sustains.
- del time (delay time): changes the length of time of the delay.
mod freq (modulation frequency): controls the frequency of the sine wave modulation oscillator. - mod depth (modulation depth): changes the depth or amount of the modulation.
- jitter var (jitter variation): This modulation stage uses low pass filtered white noise, and the variation sets the cutoff frequency of the lowpass filter, with higher values producing more erratic variation.
- jitter depth: This parameter controls how much jitter is added to the delay time.
- low cut: attenuates low frequencies from the effect
- damping : attenuates high frequencies from the effect.
- dry wet : fades between the dry and effected audio signals.
ef. gain (effect gain): scales the gain of the effect. This parameter is useful when the effect has high feedback settings as the volume can build up quickly. - clear button : In between the final two parameters is a button that will clear audio from the delays.
Note that changing the delay time, jitter, and modulation parameters will affect the pitch of the effected audio.
Wash is a free download from the Max For Live site.
i like when people make max for live devices that don’t have a huge logo taking up space that could be used for knobs and features. I understand you want to put your name on your device and you should but keep it small and simple like these guys did . and most importantly it sounding cool
Good point. Though, sometimes a little space that’s not a control can help to keep a device from becoming a (virtual) wall of knobs. EG:
It’s a tough call, as you also don’t want a device to take up a giant amount of space either. My first version of that synth was about 1.6x in length.
Sounds fantastic. Thank you SirenAudio!
Thanks god this is free and not released through Ableton, it probably would have cost £15
Its a great device and sounds lovely, big thanks to the dev’s