Sunday Synth Jam: This video, via A Box In The Sea, captures a live studio ambient performance, The Deaf Fall to Earth Vividly Amplified.
Technical details:
The OP1 is being delayed and sampled continuously through the Phonogene and WTPA2. The Octatrack is used to sample phrases (recorded from OP1) from Samplr which are chopped continuously as well. The Nebulae is providing texture.
Gear used:
OP1, Octatrack, Phonogene, Nebulae, Big Sky, Monome, WTPA2, Samplr
You’ve got great taste in gear! I’m jealous of your rig. Nice work, sounds good.
The being a genius actually means something when it comes to electronic music. Throw in a modular into this and who on the planet could manage? Great job and it sounds great
Great use of a great rig. Really musical and tasteful use of effects.
Dammit this is beautiful.
Very nice build-up and nice studio rig, but to be honest (with this kind of gear on offer), I was expecting much more… Sorry…
Doesn’t come close to Rheyne live improvisations I’m afraid…
Maybe next track..?
I couldn’t disagree more, especially in your comparison to Rheyne’s compositions. Maybe next comment. . .?