Softube has announced the release of Heartbeat, a drum synthesizer instrument for Mac & Windows.
Here’s the official intro video:
Here’s what they have to say about Heartbeat:
It is the drum synth of your dreams, combining modeled analog synthesis of yesteryear with forward-thinking features and flexibility. The modeled analog sound engine, the Auto Layer Machine and the included top-of-the-line effects turns Heartbeat into a killer package for your beats.
- Eight channels of drum sounds, mostly based on modeled analog synthesis
- Mixer with volume, EQ, effect sends and panning for each channel
- Four channel Auto Layer Machine for layering sounds or triggering beat patterns
- Chaos slider adds randomness to the behavior of Auto Layer Machine
- Adapted versions of TSAR-1 Reverb and Valley People Dyna-mite included, as well as Filter Echo and output saturation
- No iLok USB dongle required.
Heartbeat is available now, for US $219. Includes licenses for VST, VST3, Audio Units and AAX Native. A demo version is also available.
Funny how it has that Softube sound. Click on the link for sound examples btw.
no tom drums…
sounds okay for a limited palette but $219 is ALOT
Sounds cool–but Kong (inside Reason) seems to be very similar…and that entire package is not much more $$$ than what they are asking for here.
What a laugh .
I would like to know how cpu hungry this thing is
would probably pay 5.– for this
But you got FL Studio off a warez site, so that’s something!
If you need software drum machine, you can get SparkLe or Maschine Mikro (its drumsynths are amazing) for the same money and you’ll get neat hardware controller with it. I don’t see the point of getting this expensive soft just for making synthesised beats only. beats me, I guess.
You can download a fully functional demo of the product and use it for 20 days. I have downloaded it and love it. This plug in sounds amazing without adding any external effects. The drums and percussion sound big and punchy and it’s quite fun to tweak. I may make the purchase since once you mess around with the on-board effects it’s quite easy and quick to get outstanding drums and percussion out of this thing. You’re paying for sound quality and ease of use in my opinion but I won’t deny it is a bit pricey, especially if you have not actually tried it.