Sunday Synth Jam: This video, by Arjen Schat, captures a hypnotic Berlin School style Sequential Session with dual Moog synths.
Technical details:
Schat uses a dual-Moog setup, featuring a sequenced Slim Phatty and Moog Little Phatty soloing.
Sunday Synth Jam: This video, by Arjen Schat, captures a hypnotic Berlin School style Sequential Session with dual Moog synths.
Technical details:
Schat uses a dual-Moog setup, featuring a sequenced Slim Phatty and Moog Little Phatty soloing.
Beautiful sound, soulful music
Why each simply beautiful music coming up with a description of how Berlin School?
It’s just good music.
After a year of having a slim phatty I still use it almost every day. I love how can it go from growly and aggressive to silky and sweet, all in a very small package (for a Moog). You do have the downside of the wait times for warmup and you have to calibrate it full two or three times per year but that’s nothing for what you get in return. For my taste it’s one of the most musical analog monos ever made.
Nice stuff, this cat knows his way around his Phatties!
And to think Moog is closing out the Phatty (at least for the time being)? This may require me to do some drastic credit card action really soon.
Hey what sequencer are you using in this? is it just the dark time?