Novation has kicked off a teaser campaign, focusing on what inspires electronic musicians.
Novation has something new coming October 1st. In the meantime, check out these artist profiles and let us know what you think they’ve got coming.
Here’s Goldie:
Here’s Second Storey:
Here’s Foxtrott:
Got ideas on what Novation will be introducing? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!
Anybody else notice that Goldie’s iPhone is cracked?
He dropped a beat on it. Could happen to anyone.
It was actually a friend DJ that dropped some bass.
I know, a bass joke.
Bass is very tasty, especially pan fried.
Remember when actual musicians endorsed products?
“Hi, I’m The Beatles. Have you ever dreamed of owning a garish plastic home keyboard with all my greatest hits rendered as stiff sounding general MIDI files, complete with a fake choir or flute patch standing in for the vocal melodies? Good news! The Korg Liverpool is here. It’s just 2 monthly installments of $149 each. Call now! 1-800-THE-BTLS. Operators are standing by. Tell ’em The Beatles sent you.”
Ha ha ha
Why can’t I press Like more than once?! Damn you internet!
Who are you to say Goldie isn’t a musician? He’s been making music since the early 90s and is still at the top of his game over 20 years later.
I imagine a greasy scale-wanker wearing a cape would’ve been a much more appropriate choice?
seems like the rate of new gear being released is increasing? is it just me?
DrumStation 2?
Or even better, a new Supernova?
Oh, what would I do for a new Supernova.
…what wouldn’t I.
I might even buy a new Supernova sooner, than even a(n imaginary) Poly Station.
multiple track recorder for iPhone + device
That’s what my money’s on. As nice as a new synth would be … or drumstation god yes … It’s probably software. ‘launchCentre’ or something.
Can we stop with the teasers already?!
Please please please, let any new synths be rack mountable. I have absolutely no more free table real estate.
I think its is something portable, used for basic ideas – like a notepad. All the artists are talking about capturing ideas and simple but effective sounds. Whether this will be an iphone/iPad app or an actual piece of hardware – I know not.
Yeah, maybe a looper of some kind? Can’t say I’d argue with a nice hardware looper that’s easy to use. iPhone has heaps already. I’d like a good dictaphone/note taking app. With loop ability?
Now this would be a great teaser for the next big thing: Just a black screen and written on it:
Or even better: Maybe just a 30 sec snippet of a mouthwatering dog, bell sound in the background.
PS Goldie rules. Best label boss ever.
I got to play one friend’s SuperNova for a bit and another’s Nova 12-voice module on a shared project. Both are what you would call “player’s synths,” with no sequencers, but a hefty number of great modulation routings, not unlike Dave Smith’s Poly-Mod design in a way. Novation used the term “liquid sound” and that’s an honest description. They had their own distinct flavor. Think “Prophet-12” and you’re in a similar ballpark. Creamy n’ dreamy. However, the company is clearly on the more profitable bandwagon of smaller or more DJ-ish products because that’s the way the remaining music industry and manufacturers keep their numbers up. A Nova reissue would send me towards more hardware in a way most other tools don’t. I just don’t think they’ll tool up for a SuperNova when controllers sell by several times the amount of powerhouse synths. The MiniNova is a quality synth, with that high-steppin’ Nova-tone; its just following the shape of the times. I do suggest the software V-Station as a useful alternative. Its not a Nova, but it still has Huggett’s quality imprint.
V-Station is an under-rated plug, I use it a lot.
So… they are starting something about… starting something.
these guys are from liverpool and that mean what’s coming is: novation liverpool.
Since the videos feature mobile users I doubt it’s hardware. I’m going to bet this will be some sort of music/idea/sound sharing service cloud thing.
Totally sick of teasers for stuff that always turns out to be toys or have severe design limitations. Stop already. Announce products, or don’t… but teasers promising the greatest new advancement in music followed by a huge let down as some really awful product is released can’t possibly be the right way to market.
I agree. I have the Bass Station 2 and would love to see a new 5 octave synth from Novation for example. They definitely have the know-how for that but maybe the money is where DJs make beats on an Iphone. This is ok but no one needs teasers for something like that.
Yamaha’s Face stuff was a bit of a letdown after all the teasers. Now Roland has three mini synths on their way…
Let’s just wait and see. Maybe we will soon be blown away by something awesome after all.
I’m thinking mini-keys myself.
The ‘making music is just like cooking’ cliche NEEDS TO DIE!! Time to find a new metaphor people!
Making music is just like folding laundry.
Yeah like “I’ve been working on making this lunch for two weeks now until each ingredient is just perfect I dont need to layer it in a sandwich I can just eat them on different tracks of the plate. I’ve been trying to get this dinner right for the past month so I can eat. I’ve got this hunger for perfection…”
I wish Behringer would come forward with a cheap powerhouse synth.
They teased one a year back but Korg beat them to it.
Haven’t Novations’ electronics been taken over by a different company, eg. inside the Ultra Nova?
The electronics – I mean the audio In/out side of things = Focusrite.
Sounds like it will be portable, and provide inspiration.
Possibly with sampler/recorder, as Goldie and Storey talk about the importance of capturing ideas when inspiration hits and being able to get their ideas into the studio.
May also have sound editing or generating capabilities.
One video they just released is one with Nick Hook:
He is talking about getting inspiration outside of the studio.
I thought it may be Ableton Live for mobile devices.
The Novation site text:
It’s one of the hardest things to do: to create something from nothing. Having inspiration is hard enough. Like going through all your synths and samples trying to find the perfect sound. Saving it to the folder of countless unfinished sessions never to make a tune out of it. Then there’s actually creating the thing, and it not turning out as cool as you’d hoped. Or finishing the track and realizing it sounded so good in your head because it was written by Pete Waterman in 1988.
Looks like its hardware. Can barely see it at the bottom of the image where the guy is playing with something on his couch
Anyone producing bagpipe midi controller? If so why not? We don’t have to use sheep intestine these days. Cow intestine would do just as well (If it was good enough for the Hindenburg it’s good enough for bagpipes). Midi out and perhaps USB connection. Tartan carry bag.
Um, I do have a bagpipe midi controller, but it’s just something I made for my own work. It fully supports to complete traditional microtonal inflections of a variety of bagpipes of Armenia, Hungary, ancient Byzantia etc. Kind of obvious this is not a commercial product, but based on my past experience now that I’ve admitted I’ve built these things someone will be along shortly to claim they invented it first and I stole their idea. A big part of the reason why the absolutely coolest stuff imaginable, like microtonal bagpipes with selectable cultural region, could not possibly ever be released as products for other people to use. The costs of defending against lawsuits for an extreme niche product would be astronomical.
I’d like to order a dozen from you if that’s ok.
didnt look very hard, did you?
The future of Bagpipes.
I laddy. Next you know you’ll be wearing the MIDI kilt and feastin’ on the MIDI haggis.
Launchpad for iWatch… For ants and other insects that might use Ableton.
I think it is some sort of songwriting/recording aid. Could be an app or something. Start something, finish something is a very real challenge for many songwriters. Finishing is the hard part.
You sing a start note and it creates the rest of the music for you. I think the clue to that is Goldie’s appearance in the above video.
From those videos I am fairly sure they will bring out a floating camera, which circles one while asking probing questions – and it may, from time to time, knock your phone from your hand.
“what you think they’ve got coming……..”
-talking on the youtube internet……
I want them to do a Korg and make a faithful reproduction of the Oxford Oscar.
That’s not very likely, is it.
G*Force impOscar.
I have to idea what they will announce, but the videos are inspiring…
Goldie’s teeth are inspiring. I’m booked in with my dentist next week to get the new LED ones.
I see phones in all the clips so i guess its a app?
a electronic wash board
They’re planning a new ielectribe sampler, that would allow anyone to switch the smartphone OS between iOS and Android.
A range of midi controllers styled after vegetables. Or perhaps midi sensors you can plug into vegetables and turn them into musical instruments. A healthy music track consisting of lettuce, sweet potato, carrots, onion and other natural stuff.
It’s a recording app.
confirmed. Some sort of sampler.
Here it is!:)
Novation Circuit
Analogue-modelled synthesiser, 4-part drum machine, 32 RGB velocity-sensitive sequencer pads, 6 voice polyphony, 64 patches,Step sequence or build live, 8 synth macro encoders with RGB LEDs, Combine up to 128 steps of synth and drum patterns, delay and reverb effects, Built-in speaker, 2x Line-Out 1/4″ TS Jack, Stereo Headphone Out 1/8″ TRS, USB and MIDI I/O Connection, thomann incl. 6x AA batteries + 12V DC power supply, Ableton Live Lite software and Loopmasters sounds and samples, 2 MIDI breakout cables 3.5 mm jack to female 5 pin din and USB Cable, Format: Desktop,Dimensions: 240 x 200 x 50 mm (WxDxH), Weight: 1.4 kg