Amazing Machines has introduced Colorful Noise for Reaktor Blocks.
Here’s what they have to say about it:
A Noise Generator like no other, Colorful Noise can do much more than a standard Noise Generator. Earth Shaking Noise Sweeps, Modulated Noise, Tuned Noise, Chiptune Style Noise and Random LFO Speed Noise are so easy to achieve with Colorful Noise that you won’t believe your ears.
Colorful Noise also comes with a Builtin Output VCA, making the setup of complex patches fast and easy.
Here is the official intro video:
Colorful Noise Audio Demos:
- 1 Reaktor Block
- White Noise Generator with a Builtin Sample Rate Divider
- Fast and Slow S&H Modes for Audio Range and LFO Speed Operation
- Color Knob controls the Division Factor of the Sample Rate Divider
- KBD Knob Crossfades between the S&H and the Keyboard Tracking circuits
- Coarse and Fine tune controls for the Keyboard Tracking Oscillator
- CV2 Range Switch selects between Semitones and Cents
- Mute Switch
- Builtin Output VCA with selectable Exponential and Linear curves
- Independent CV Modulation Inputs for Color, Pitch and VCA Level
Amazing Machines Colorful Noise is available for US $9.
Is it possible for a Reaktor user to build blocks I mean it’s a noise generator with a sample down how hard would it be for someone to make it from scratch? Not putting down this product I am just curious. Thanks
Reaktor is a platform for building whatever you wish if you have the time and ability so sure, you could build your own, but sometimes it is easier to just buy something that has been developed, tested, and has a nice UI. But that’s the beauty: choice.
Totally possible, but it’s a bunch of work to do it well, and many people like Reaktor as a very versatile preset synthesizer rather than wanting to get into the deep DSP.
it costs 9$ and you support amazing machines
The interesting thing here is that this is the first commercial (as opposed to free community developed) block, and I welcome ‘professional’ developers in to the Reactor Modular World… there are so many good free blocks being developed already that the pro’s will need to come up with something interesting, but at the $10 and under price level, what the hell, I will bite….its iOS app process in Reactor!
This is going to be cheaper than a Eurorack module addiction
I’m into this, but personally, I still can’t wait to see what companies like Twisted Tools (long-time personal favorite when it comes to 3rd party Reaktor-ensembles/instruments) will put out for the blocks-system in Reaktor 6.
Lets hope the s-layer sample layer player as a block with cv patch points for all the functions
why hope .. why wait ..???
just build it
get a cv to midi interface and map it to all the points you want to modulate
this already works with any midi program vst au or daw