This video, part of Future Music Magazine‘s Modular Monthly series, compares a selection of Eurorack filters that are clones of, or inspired by, classic synth filters.
The video includes long audio demos of the Intellijel Korgasmatron, the STG Post-Lawsuit LPF, the Doepfer A-103, the Doepfer A-106-5 SEM, the Dr. Octature 2, the Doepfer A-124 and others.
Got your own favorite Euro filters? Leave a comment and share your thoughts!
This video is great and showcases of an interesting collection of filters. I love my A-106-5 and the Wasp but I would reaaaaallly like a go on one of them Korgasmatrons..
Malekko Dual Borg or GTFO
i love the MS20 filter !!
the Intellijel Korgasmatron II, and the version 1 ( Korgasmatron / Corgasmatron ) are all sightly different in sound