This video, via midierror, demos one of Arturia MiniBrute designer Yves Usson’s Five Mods That Will Totally Void Your Warranty.
The idea of the mod is to add a lever switch at the back of the MiniBrute that makes it possible to toggle between the normal vibrato range and an extended audio range. With the audio range, the vibrato turns into a FM modulator for the main oscillator. With this one can create bell sounds and other ‘crazy FM modulations’.
Usson has provided details on the mod – which will totally void your warranty – at his site.
you can get an even more interesting and rich result if you take the headphones output and put it into the pitch cv input or into the filter cv input, and without to cause any hardware’s damages.
There is definately a hole in the cheaper monmo market for a synth with analog FM.
When will Arturia release the Brute? A two (or three) oscillator machine with a three octave keyboard?
It would sell well. I’d be the first in line.
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Also: Arturia Lets Owners Keep MiniBrute for Over a Year, Voids Warranty.
I only have a microbrute, but can’t you modulate the pitch using the LFO pushed into audio range with similar results?