Mordax Modular Synthesis Systems has announced the Data – a ‘multifunction tool for Eurorack modular systems’.
The Data is a digital platform for testing, measurement, and signal generation in Eurorack modular synthesis systems. It is a modular tool kit, with functions applicable to any system and style.
Here’s a video intro:
The DATA will be shipping with the 7 following functions, as seen in the demo video:
4 Channel Oscilloscope
- Monitor four independent CV or audio channels
- Selectable voltage scale, position, AC/DC coupling, and visibility
- Trigger from any channel, with full scale, user-selectable trigger level
- Time scale ranges from 50µS to 5 seconds per grid square (total range of 600µS to 1 minute of signal across the screen)
- X (time) and Y (voltage) measurement cursors with difference display, allowing for simple measurement and windowing of any input signal
- Measure the precise frequency of any of the 4 incoming signals with a large frequency display
- The tuning display shows your distance from the closest note graphically and as a frequency number
- Nearest note is automatically detected and changes while you tune
Voltage Monitor & Source
- 4 channel input display with real-time voltage readout, a simple CV scope
- 2 channel manual gate source; hit the bottom buttons one and two for a 0-5V gate out of the CLOCK/GATE outputs 1 & 2 respectively.
- 2 channel selectable voltage source; dial in -5 to +5 CV values and they are constantly output from the WAVE/CV outputs 1 & 2
Dual Waveform Generator
- Two independent oscillator channels, with control over frequency, phase, amplitude and offset (wave center)
- Current waveforms: sine, square, saw, triangle, with waveform output display per channel
- Frequency range: 4kHz down to 0.01Hz, selected per numeral for quick, precise value input
- “Note Mode” frequency selection available independently for either oscillator
- CV assignable control over frequency (1V/Octave) and amplitude (digital VCA)
- Flexible CV control routing; any of the four input jacks can be freely assigned to any destination, with per destination attenuation (percent value)
Dual Clock Source with Clock Division & Multiplication
- “External Sync” or “Internal Clock” modes; use it as a precise and stable master clock, or as a clock processor sync’d to an external clock source
- Dual clock outputs, each can be a ratio of the main clock (internal/external), current div/mult values: x32, x24, x16, x12, x8, x6, x4, x3, x2, 1:1, /2, /3, /4, /5, /6, /8, /12, /16, /24, /32
- Beat offset shift for each clock pulse, +/- 96 steps
- Clock display bars show the beats of the main clock and two output clocks relative to each other; shift the offset or change the ratio and the pulses positions change in real-time
- Pulse Per Quarter Note (PPQN) of the external clock signal user selectable from 1 to 24, allowing for sync’ing to a range of sources (and for further changing your output ratios if used creatively!)
- Input jacks 1 & 2 act as “Clock Sync” and “Reset” inputs while in “External Sync” mode and as “CV BPM control” and “Reset” while in “Internal Clock” mode
- Input jacks 3 & 4 are user-assignable CV input sources, which can be assigned to control either of the output clock’s div/mult values and offsets, with selectable attenuation per destination
Spectral Analyzer (single-FFT)
- Display the current harmonic content of any of the 4 incoming signals
- User-selectable filter window (Square/None, Hann, Bartlett)
- Peak frequency bin readout shows you frequency range of the first harmonic (fundamental frequency) in the signal
Spectrograph (multi-FFT)
- Display the harmonic content of any of the 4 incoming signals over time
- Each column of pixels along the X axis is one frame of the Spectral Analyzer’s display.
- User-selectable filter window (Square/None, Hann, Bartlett)
- Controls for display clear and run/stop
The Data is available now for pre-order for US $395. See the Mordax site for details.
I was really wishing it had a quantize function built in. That would be a perfect program to add, 4 channel CV quantizer.
Agreed! Let them know.
Well, when i say “useful eurorack tools” that is exactly what i mean!
X/Y mode for lissajous? Phase comparison is still very helpful today. Not just for trippy patterns.
Coming in future update I think
needs Fibonacci div/mult values
Put in a feature request!
Wow, the clock features really puts this over the edge.
I watched it go from a breadboard, to that beautiful hunk of tech in the picture. It just so happens the guys making it are incredibly dedicated and come from a deep understanding of producing and performing music. Keep an eye out for other cool modules from them in the future