Zhimsound has released an unofficial Windows patch editor for the Roland TB-3 Bassline Synthesizer.
The Roland TB-3 Editor is a free patch editor that runs both as a VST and standalone.
Zhimsound notes that updates are planned, including having the graphics redone by a graphic artist. But it’s available to try now as a free download or ‘donationware’.
If you like it – you can support development by making a Paypal donation via the site.
If you try the Roland TB-3 Editor, leave a comment and share your thoughts on it!
Website is ‘frozen’ ?
So far I only got one email back from webs saying they will look into it. Here’s hoping it gets fixed soon!
Thanks for letting me know, I’m looking into it right now and will write back when it is fixed! In the meantime, here is a direct download link for the editor zip:
I removed the dropbox download now that the new site is up and running.
Well webs didn’t get in touch with me today, I’ve had a few problems with their interface in the past so I decided to go ahead and move to weebly, hopefully that host is easier to work with. You can now download the editor and find my donations page here:
Sorry for the inconvenience!
Looks interesting! I’ve been waiting for something like this. I’m gonna check this out at the weekend. The future plans sound great too! http://zhimsound.weebly.com/future-plans.html
I’ll gladly donate for V2 with the improvements if this works well
Thanks for the comment! I’m writing to inform everyone my weebly account went down some time today too. Either this is a weird coincidence, or something rotten is going on (I’m afraid of it being the second one). If I can’t get it sorted out by tomorrow morning I’ll have another direct download link for you here.
Man, talk about a rough start! Thanks again for your patience everybody
Yikes! So Weebly may take a week or two to fix it, but they did speak with me on the phone and say it can be sorted out soon. My editor though, she wants to be free and in the hands of the people! So here is the direct download link again-
I’ve added an “about” page in the editor with contact information and a paypal donation link, that takes some of the stress away knowing I won’t need to update it each time the site goes down.
Additionally you can follow any news on it at my facebook page- facebook.com/zhimsound
Sorry for these constant inconveniences, I think accidentally knocking over that Aira display in guitar center must have cursed me… Enjoy!
Will this run on a mac?