Macro Machines has introduced Omnimod – a new Eurorack module that offers 4 channels of LFOs, Step Sequencing, Envelope Generation and Envelope Following.
Centered around a high contrast OLED screen, the Omnimod provides vivid visual feedback for precise editing, as well as a scope mode to aid in configuring the inputs. This allows for deep control over complex modulation sequencing.
You can save settings as presets, and you can also use the Macro Machines Storage Strip to allow multiple modules on the same power bus line to store and recall their settings at the same time. This allows for instantaneous system-wide storage and recall of different configurations.
Here’s the official intro video:
- 4 channels of LFOs, Step Sequencing, Envelope Generation and Envelope Following, in limitless combinations.
- user friendly interface with intuitive visual feedback.
- an oscilloscope mode to visualize input signals: fine tune the extraction of triggers, select different modes, and smooth or scale envelope following.
- full storage and recall of all parameters before power cycling,
- user definable waves for reusing complex individual channel settings.
- 64 storable, recallable, sequence-able, and randomize-able presets
- 14HP
Background on the Macro Machines Storage Strip Concept
Macro Machines first product, the Storage Strip realizes an entirely new method for complete patch storage and recall using the standard Eurorack power bus board. When used in tandem with their second product, the Dynamic Destiny dual 4 to 1 switch router, entirely different patch cable routings can be saved and sequenced. You can, for example, create one setting with a deep analogue sub oscillator routed through a lowpass filter, and instantly switch this to be a complex high pitch FM oscillator through a spring reverb. This gives owners a new possibility to refine and explore vastly different sounds and come back to them in an instant.
Adding the Macro Machines Omnimod to the Storage Strip and Dynamic Destiny, the user could design an entire group of different settings using any modules they currently have, and come back to them, refine, record different takes, perform and jam with quickly accessible, reliable start points.
The Omnimod is priced at US $385. See the Macro Machines site for more info.
via Surachai
“user friendly interface with intuitive visual feedback”
I’ll have to see some demo videos before I believe that. Right now looking at the two knobs and screen it seems like it could be pretty tedious to work with.
I am currently working on an in depth demonstration / explanation video. I think you will be surprised at how simple and fast it is to design shapes. I will post a comment here when the new demo is up. For now, if you watch the shot of the screen interface with the waveform editor at 0:15 seconds into the promo that is a slightly sped up clip of me playing with the waveform sculpting. Most of my R&D for this product design went into making it as fast and streamlined as possible.
I think this is really cool and clever, but I’m not entirely sure that people who are into modular really want to save ‘patches’ off to storage, and recall them quickly. Y’all can tell me I’m wrong and I won’t put up much of a fight. It’s just that this seems somewhat contrary to the retro nature of modular that somehow draws people into it in the first place.
The storage and recall element came about because my friends and I wanted to use the modular as the main platform for live performance. I would spend hours jamming and sculpting interesting rhythms and soundscapes in the studio, and then try to jam with my band only to spend an hour patching and sculpting something I liked.. by then the jam was well over. I have long been a huge fan of the Nord Modular G2, and had done loads of live performances almost entirely with the Nord, using refined patches as jumping off points for the performance. This worked fantastically, and allowed dynamic live jamming with reliable, clean, yet still FLEXIBLE and JAM-ABLE points for departure. Richard Devine is a fantastic case study in this, he currently has 3 or 4 storage strips linked to different Mungo 0 series modules, and mainly uses them to create a group of settings that he likes, then with the random sequencing mode enabled, triggers give interesting variations in percussion and effects while keeping away from potentially undesirable settings.
One core philosophy guiding my designs is that they should all be useful and enjoyable entirely aside from the back end preset management, so that people who do not have interest in using presets in modular can still make good use of the product. It is not a gimmick to rely on to drive sales, but an extra option that allows for larger “macro” control.
I’m a bit of a modular addict, but this doesn’t do it for me- needs more knobs and I like my modular to get me away from looking at screens, quite expensive as well- expert sleepers stuff will give you a lot more modulation with save options with a computer or iPad. I guess if you play live and are die hard anti computer or ipad this may be for you, but at some point you are simply putting a little computer in to your modular!
Sounds really interesting to me. You could feel free to experiment with a good patch. No fear that if you fudge it up you wont remember how to get back.
well you cannot save a patch. I guess this module can save (static) voltages from the four inputs. We will see what can be done with this module. Surely a good approach.
no, it can’t save patches as in your entire systems patch cable arrangement, I doubt it even saves static voltages coming from the outs, but I’d imagine that it saves it’s own settings.
when they talk about the storage strip what they mean is you can recall multiple omnimods at the same time, so you could create different presets on each one that interact with each other, and save and recall them at the same time, but not any other modules.
this is actually really cool and I imagine will be a feature in more modules in the future somehow, or possible a state recall that ties into a bus board, this will require modules to support the feature, so if the cost for implementation is low enough I could see this blowing up.
as far as presets not being for “modular” guys goes, I think that’s a limiting concept, why not save your patches if you can, I don’t think the point of modular is to be fleeting, though for some it may be. Nor is it to be analogue through and through, I think the point it freedom of creativity and experimentation, always being able to try something new, and being able to see your options on an open surface (rather than having to search a menu to see if it’s even possible)
it surely is an interesting module. Still not sure what it can do, but we will see soon.
// no, it can’t save patches as in your entire systems patch cable arrangement, I doubt it even
// saves static voltages coming from the outs, but I’d imagine that it saves it’s own settings.
actually, I am working on several solutions for storing patch cable routings. Currently the first iteration of this is the Dynamic Destiny, which is a dual 4 to 1 multiplexer that picks up the storage strip commands on the bus board, the jacks are bi-directional, so you can use either channel for taking in 4 selectable signals to be connected to the common jack, or use the signal at the common jack to be sent out to 4 different destinations. the Dynamic Destiny is 6hp and fits nicely between modules, so if someone was really interested in storing complex patch routings they could obtain a few of them and use them as the signal routing hub to achieve full storage and recall of vastly different patches instantly.
Using the Storage Strip and Dynamic Destiny alongside the Omnimod, it is possible to store voltage/trigger/lfo/envelope settings in the omnimod with the same storage and recall messages on the bus, thus if someone were so inclined, they could use a row of omnimods, and dynamic destiny’s between each module and achieve full storage and recall of an entire system.
I realize that would be an unlikely route, but it is a rudimentary means to an end. Several manufacturers are starting to develop using our storage spec, and the more realistic vision is that enough modules are developed that take advantage of the storage paradigm to have a varied flavorful array of interesting modules that basically take a snapshot of their current settings/knob positions etc.. when the store message is received.
I plan to make the message scheme fully opensource with easy to use libraries and notes on solutions to be used by any developer that is interested. It is kindof a no brainer to employ in digital modules at least, as all it takes is a digital pin connected to the cv bus and some code looking for a 3 byte serial word. Analog modules though, they take a bit more work as you then need a microcontroller to accept the messages and ADC/DAC?VCA to deal with pots, so I imagine those will be fewer in adaptation, but in my opinion the main things worth getting analog are filters, and I may just make a nice filter bank module with different slots to allow the various filter flavors to be inserted and adapted readily.
I should also mention I have many more solutions forthcoming that address any potential needs of a fully storable euro system, the take away is that I spent 2 years thinking, scheming, and R&Ding this, and it is every bit as awesome and useful as I had hoped.
To the many people that don’t grasp the utility of this, or simply do not desire storage in euro due to the fact that it is plenty fun and enjoyable platform without it, I offer the notion that it can be used like a step sequenced motion recorder on every single knob of supported modules.
// “a state recall that ties into a bus board”, this will require modules to support the feature,
// so if the cost for implementation is low enough I could see this blowing up.
Thats indeed what the storage strip is, it uses the CV rail on the power bus to send a few binary commands that are based on this mysterious “Musical Instrument Digital Interface” specification that I happened across, seems like it was a hit in the 80s, somehow modular manufacturers missed the memo
// think the point it freedom of creativity and experimentation, always being able to try something
// new, and being able to see your options on an open surface
indeed, good work
I already pre-ordered, the potential with his thing looks immense to me.. We are all different i guess, i LOVE screens in my modular! The complex envelopes remind me of the ones I used a lot on the Uhe zebra plugin(the 2 knob interface looks a lot less fiddly than using a mouse), the multi stage envelopes on zebra help to make it extremely flexible for complex modulation and evolving type patches a lot more interesting than your basic lfo of EG shapes. Thats not to mention all the other stuff omnimod can do. There is no doubt in my mind this module will be top notch – these guys are real innovators!
Hi there , was wondering , is it possible to measures voltages , trigs or slow CV with Omnimod?
Can the inputs be CVs controlling LFO’s freq , or cloks syncing these LFOs?