Carol Of The Bells, Remixed

christmas-bells-remixSynthtopia reader, Jon Stubbs (aka “stub”) shared this remix of Carol of the Bells.

He notes that the melody of Carol of the Bells was preserved, but arranged as 12/8, vs 3/4. He also offset the melody against the new parts by a note. 

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Technical Details:

The tracks were recorded and mixed in MOTU DP 7 from scratch using Pianoteq for piano, celeste, and bells, Arturia Mini V for the ‘Moog’ bass, and Kontakt’s stock drums for percussion.


3 thoughts on “Carol Of The Bells, Remixed

  1. Just a quick note about this remix.

    The melody with this different meter and placement really is quite different. I don’t take for granted that it might not be easy to make the shift.

    For folks who do lots of work with ternary subdivisions (triplets) it might be easier to make the shift.

    This is a bit like those “eye magic” images, you might have to listen and stomp both feet before you can hear it the new way. Once you do, you won’t regret it. It’s a much more fun piece of music this way!!

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