Dave Smith Instruments OB-6 (Sound Preview)


Dave Smith Instruments today introduced the OB-6 synthesizer, a new 6-voice synthesizer, developed in collaboration with Tom Oberheim.

Matia Simovich of CA band INHALT let us know that they’ve wrapped up work on a set of patches for the new OB-6.

You can preview the OB-6 sounds below:

Pricing and Availability

The OB-6 is manufactured and sold by Dave Smith Instruments. It will be available in March, with a US MAP of $2,999. See DSI’s site for details.

24 thoughts on “Dave Smith Instruments OB-6 (Sound Preview)

  1. I’m looking forward to hearing more from this synth and hearing more about its features.

    From the information available so far, it looks like it’s a great synth, a real winner.

    Why didn’t I win the Powerball????!!!!!! Maybe my long lost Uncle John and Auntie Lisa in Tennessee can help me with some synth purchases.

  2. When I was about 15 or so, I found a OB8 in my local pawn shop selling for $200.
    This was back in the 80s and the guy who ran the shop called it a “organ”. He had no idea.
    I got it.

    I had to sell it when I went off to school.
    Nothing else like it. It will always be for me the only real Synth with a capital S.

    I am so excited by this but also depressed at how much explaining I am going to need to do to my wife about that price.

    1. An OB-8 for $200?!?? Jesus!!

      I have one and it set me back a lot more than that but it was totally worth it.

      This thing might make me lose a lot of $$ this year. It would be nice to have the OB sound in a modern, compact and reliable package.

    2. i got my OB8 almost the exact same way for 400 bucks in 1986 or 87. I love the haters pissing on Jump. Because they wrote bigger hits.

    3. my local pawn shop, what the hell is this, everyday i read some ten messages like this. I never seen nothing like a pawn shop in my town.

  3. I had a quick go of this at NAMM yesterday and while it was cool for me I felt the Prophet 6 was a better sounding synth. For me the Prophet inspired me right away, and at the end of the day thats what i’m looking for. Note – the OB6 still sounded great.

  4. Ok, these are plain demos but from what i’m hearing it has DEPTH, BRILLIANCE and SOUND! A Diva-VST or any FXpansion Plug-in are still far far away from these airy waves. Like that more than P6!

  5. I’m a fan. I’m really liking the sounds and features of the OB-6.

    My only gripe is that for 3 grand you think that you’d get a 5 octave keyboard, like the Prophet 12 which sells for the same price. The Prophet 6 and OB-6 are actually quite small.

    1. 3 grand bought me digital Wavestation Ex in its hey day… 😉
      For analogue beast like this one, the price seems to be OK, but than again – Arturia latest creation is half as much…

    2. i suspect its because there’s nearly an entire generation of synth programmers and EDM builders who don’t know how to actually play a musical instrument. they dont need 5 octaves. But I do. and two more voices.

  6. It has a magical sound !
    Only thing I could wish for, is a couple of analog inputs and the ability to use it as a VST plugin inside my DAW.

    1. Why would you use this analog synth as a vst? Just record the audio out thru a compressor and maybe a nice mic pre to play with sound even if you would want to change it. I’m sure it will be coming with an editor like the prophet 6

  7. I. Can’t wit for this to come out. Like every one is saying, hook this up to the prophet 6 and you got a lot of sick sound creation.

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