Developer Matthias Frick let us know about iOXAudio – free ‘helper app’ for OSX 10.11 that exposes the newly introduced Inter-Device Audio feature of El Capitan and iOS 9.0 more conveniently to users.
iOXAudio installs a little Menu Bar application that lets you quickly enable your iOS Devices to be used as audio inputs for your DAW of choice.
The project is available as a free download and is also open source.
Three days after I purchase an audio interface for my ipad….. Thanks buddy. At least its also a midi interface.
That’s all on Apple, those features have been in there since OSX 10.11. They just didnt do a very good job at communicating their existence.
Nice, very nice!
Really looking forward to try this out- here’s a link to MIDILE in case anyone wants to try a combo:
Things are about to change in audio production on iOS methinks, with a killer app on the horizon for iOS that will sit real nice with Fricks work
Someone brought up integrating this into MIDI LE USB. Guess I’ll do that next so you only need one app.
that is great…
I bought an IConnectivity Interface…I guess this app with MIDI LE USB be sort of a replacement for it, right??
sweet, thanks!!
Worked well although some apps (orphinio) had digital distortion while others (loopy) worked great. Not sure if this is the ios app’s limitation or a bug in this new software.
What about latecy?
downloaded. both ioxaudio and midiLE.
el capitan 10.11.1
iPad mini 1st generation iOS 9.2.1
iPhone 5 iOS 9.2.1
ioxaudio cannot detect iPad.
ioxaudio can detect iPhone. working as audio input
midiLE crashes on both devices, once the iOS app is on.