Breadandbuttersounds has announced a free web-based Roland Boutique JX-03 patch editor.
The company previously created editors for the Roland JU-06 and Roland JP-08.
- Bi directional communication with your Roland Boutique JX-03 using Sysex
- Precision editing of all parameters. Use the knobs on your JX-03, the knobs on the web page or enter the exact value for a parameter manually
- When you change patch or press Manual on your JX-03 the patch is automatically uploaded to the editor
- See parameters and learn from your favorite factory presets
- Easy access of important features like the Delay, Portamento and Bend Range
- You can save your patches if you log in using a Google Account
- A public patch library/patch sharing utility is integrated into the editor. You don’t have to be logged in to access the patches.
It’s available via the Breadandbuttersounds site. They recommend using Chrome for best results.
Is it me, or is editing a JX-03 via a computer sort of pointless, that’s the reason I bought one… has knobs ????
i bet the knobs and faders on the editor are bigger than on the synth
The JX-03 only has 16 slots for user presets and in the editor you can save an unlimited number (yes you can manage your Boutique presets in the file system but I think this is more straightforward). Also there are hundreds of shared patches published by the users of the editors. For the JU-06 and the JP-08 many factory presets from the original Juno 106 and Jupiter 8 that are missing in the Boutiques have been converted and published.
Maybe do one for JD-Xi? Please…