Sunday Synth Jam: This series of videos, via ROLI, captures a fusion jam session at the 2016 NAMM Show.
The ROLI booth featured a series of performances, featuring their new Seaboard RISE controllers. This jam session featured Snarky Puppy and The Funk Apostles star Cory Henry, along with Marco Parisi and Larnell Lewis.
Watch for extensive use of pitch bend and slides in both Henry and Parisi’s RISE solos, and also the contrast between Henry’s use of a standard keyboard and the RISE.
In the second video, below, Henry focuses on the ROLI RISE:
In the final video of the series, Henry & Parisi do a short call-and-response jam:
The bass playing in Pt.2 is pretty ridiculous.
If Jaco was still alive, he’d be flippin’ his shit….
Great demonstrations of the seaboard’s expressiveness under the right hands.
Nice! Sorry I missed that one.
…difference is, Jaco hit the notes
It seems that even for a trained player like Marco hitting the notes is a problem. Most of the notes are a bit off…
Cory relies on his Korg.
that ROLI is almost like the keyboard equivalent of a fretless bass, tho
probly take bit of getting used to
I think all these new keyboards are super fun and interesting to play…I have the linnstrument and i’ve definitely created some sounds and music that I had zero chance of doing on keys or guitar..
on the other hand, they are hard to play sometimes…if i put my hours in on guitar and keys i would still have to put the hrs in to REALLY play…
in the end, i accept the limitations and play what’s in front of me..
The Roli looks like a really excellent way to interact with software music but it also looks like it could be tough to play really well
The attenpt to create a hype around this device is a sure sign that sales are behind schedule already…
Thanks for your pointless negativity. The discussion is about creativity and capabilities of the instrument. Not it’s sales curve.
This might be controversial, but hopefully free speech is of value here still…This looks like a very creative tool. Perhaps only limited by the ‘Formulaic Rules’ of the genre here. As a device to emulate instrumentalist skills going back fifty years it just about passes. But, I’m sure in the right hands, free of formulaic coolness, it could be truly mind bending. Unfortunately in this video I feel there is a King With No Clothes vibe…