That Time Mister Rogers Showed Kids How To Get Their Synth On

This vintage video captures the time Mister Rogers had an ARP Soloist synthesizer in the neighborhood. 

Mister Rogers demonstrates the different sounds that can be made with a synthesizer, then sings a song about how grown-ups like to play, too, and that there are a lot of things in this world that are playful if you look and listen.

This wasn’t the only time Mr Rogers exposed kids to electronic music. On another episode, guest Bruce Haack blew some kids’ minds with more experimental electronic music techniques.

via hallospacegirlRobert Dorschel

21 thoughts on “That Time Mister Rogers Showed Kids How To Get Their Synth On

    1. Yes, 30 presets, but with filter, envelope, LFO, “growl,” and “wow” controls, so you could certainly get a decent range of sounds out of this nice little analog synth.

  1. Still sometimes find myself singing his tune when I tie my shoes. Children’s TV hasn’t been the same since we lost Fred Rogers. He invited EVERYONE.

      1. I agree. That is a very awesome thing to say. This guy warms my heart and I miss him a lot. He seemed so sincerely good. I aspire to be as nice as he was.

  2. i’m sorry
    just had a flashback to the asian guy from the movie “hangover” saying “you gay” for some reason

  3. I had the honor of meeting Fred Rogers, years ago. He is the real deal. One of my all-time heroes.

    I had this vague memory of an accordion player (Guy Klucevsek) appearing and talking about music and composition. It made an impression. Found the segment. It’s pretty nice.

    BTW, I got to see and hear Guy perform in Ann Arbor and it was so beautiful.

  4. ‘Look carefully, listen carefully’ Goes on deaf ears with the current generation, if you ask me. Don’t expect them to ‘ask someone to explain one or two’ they just squirt stuff out their word holes!

  5. And now boys and girls, we’re going to take Molly and circuit-bend a Speak & Spell. What sound is that? That’s right, duuuuuub step. Gooooood.

  6. Gosh i miss Fred. BTW this synth probably belongs to John Costa who played it making all the soundtrack music for the Mr. Rodgers show.

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