Imaginando has released a multi-platform virtual analog synthesizer for Android, iOS, Mac & Windows, DRC.
In addition to multi-platform support, DRC offers cloud-based patch syncing. With this feature, you can start the creative process on one device and continue on another, seamlessly.
Here’s the official intro video:
Audio Demos:
- 4 voices
- Two main oscillators, one sub-oscillator and one noise source
- Detune, sync and ring modulation
- 4 pole self resonant low pass Ladder Filter
- 2 pole multi-mode filter (LP, HP, BD, NOTCH)
- 2 LFO’s and 2 analog modeled envelope generators
- Stereo Tape Delay with time modulation
- Lush Stereo Reverb with modulation and self growing decay
- True stereo, analog modeled multi mode chorus
- Arpeggiator with 4 modes, tempo sync and hold function
- Sync to external MIDI clock
- MIDI clock out
- Audiobus and Ableton Link ready (iOS only)
DRC is available via the Imaginando site.
Seems nice, but my iPad2 can’t seem to handle it
i would love to see a A/B with a android and ipad
Beautiful Interface! Good to edit on the iphone.
Sound good too.
well done!
Courious how much the VST version costs?
Works on my Ipad2, but had to decrease the voicing to 2…..but that’s good by me….
nice, but too cpu heavy for my Xiaomi Redmi Note 4G
The VST is still in Public Beta so it doesn’t appear to be for sale yet, You can try it though. I couldn’t get it to respond to pitchbend, modwheel, or aftertouch. I’m sure that’s coming soon, right? I did have some fun getting lost in the sounds though. Has some interesting modulations I’m not used to seeing. The LFO to delay time for one.
What is an analog modeled envelope generator?
good question.
A digital interpretation.
I believe it is overdosing on analogue marketing verbiage.
In this case is an EG that is basically a simulated capacitor reacting to inputs. It gets charged, discharged, etc. Instead of an algorithm generating ramps or exponentials mimiking an EG.
how would that effect the shape of the actual envelope? I’ve heard of t bridge oscs like in an 808 have a slow decay at the end
Cool, but crashes on my Nexus tablet, and has terrible latency issues. Can’t handle all four voices.
Being able to design sounds on the go, and work with them inside my DAW? Sign me up! Wish more developers would go this route.
doesn’t work the voices are all messed up ….
unlocking the synth engine per in app is €14.99 on ios.
all good on my ipad v.2, and sounds like a keeper.
Which OS you have?
I think this may be the best recreation of analog in the digital domain I have ever heard. Sounds fantastic! As if they even got the Filter FM and crossmodulation right, which needs a lot of oversampling in digital. Yes, modelling of the impurfections of analog envelopes also is an important contribution. You know what an electrical circuit is? It is trying to create order out of a chaos of wiggling atoms and swirling electrons. While an algorithm is approaching matters from the opposite direction. Instant buy!
“You know what an electrical circuit is? It is trying to create order out of a chaos of wiggling atoms and swirling electrons.”
Beautiful idea. Thank you.
I disagree. The best analogs I’ve heard on iPad are Arturia iMini and IVCS3.
This one has a few nice sounds but seems average overall.
Having read thru most of the verbiage for this Synth, what does one get for unlocking the xtras at 15.00 USD?
Free 7 day trial. $14.99 to buy. Well worth it for me.
Love the sound. Can’t stand the 16 screen editing. I doubt I’ll upgrade to full because with so many other VAs on iOS with better single screen editing, I don’t think I’d really get into using it.
Erm.. The plug-in is only VST3. Not good for us Ableton users!
Or Logic Pro 9 users
I stand corrected. It’s VST2.4.
Great concept – magical sound! Got it after 2mins of playing, few soft synths reach this level of authenticity, not to mention on the ipad (only Arturia so far). Hope to see more from these guys!! 5/5