Propellerhead has introduced A-List Studio Drummer, a new virtual drummer Rack Extension for Reason.
- Intelligent drummer instrument for Reason
- Easy to play and create rhythm tracks with: play MIDI notes to choose drum patterns, add fills, intros, breakdown and stops.
- Easy sound sculpting tools lets you tweak the sound to your liking or find a preset that works for your music.
- Includes 720 rhythms spread over 30 different styles, each played with five different drum kits.
- Each kit comes as a General MIDI compliant drum kit, to let you import MIDI files for playing, or add variations
Here’s a video intro:
A-List Studio Drummer is available now for US $99.
Reason is basically becoming band-in-a-box. Such potential in this software wasted by aiming at the easy song creation market
so so true. I’m glad I never jumped into 7 or 8. I’m still using 6.02. When that has outlived its usefulness I’ll move to stable bitwig and the land of VST’s. Some of the free VSTs out there are miles ahead of what every are offering in the rack extension store. Those prices. yikes.
If they only catered to one aspect of the market they as a company wouldnt make it. Making music as accessible as possible is good business sense. Besides, all DAWs have strenghts and weaknesses. Bitwig is no exception. It’s great to have several tools at your disposal, not forcing yourself to stick to one platform. Reason 10 launched and is incredible, never a better time to get into it.
I agree. Yet, as long as I still get the advanced features, I’m OK. This is just a rack extension that I can decide if I want or not. For me, is not worth the money. I don’t care if Propellerhead aims to this easy song creation market that you mention, I do care if they forget about us, the more ‘advanced’ song creation market.
I hear what you are saying, but we shouldn’t fault Propellerhead for catering to the market. The same can be said about Max for Live making it easier to create music. The people want everything to be easier and more acessible (mobile phones, apple pay, instant downloads), and music making software is no different.
Of course it it much more rewarding to work “the hard way” to produce a piece of music, but industry (and kids these days) don’t see it that way. The younger generations of today don’t even have the slightest inclination of what “hard work” actually entails.
I used Reason for many years (2004 to 2012) and found its simplicity and layout perfect, but after trying to stick with it through the changes, I found myself frustrated with the limitations of the program and complications of recording audio input. I then switched to Live to explore the versatility of all the available plug-ins and ease of recording, but I am still struggling. I may go back to Reason.
Lately for me, its has been all about hardware sequencing and I try to not even turn on the computer at all. I’m not very productive, but it’s a lot more fun ? /rant
This A list studio drummer looks like it’s at least geared toward “rock” type drumming, a more organic sound, and a more playable layout, where as most of the kits we find in Kong or Redrum are more of the “electronica” type and one can only go so far with the matrix and piano rolls. I don’t think I would even use this.