At Superbooth 16, Barcelona-based Befaco was introducing several new modules, including the Rampage, the A*B+C and the Crush Delay, aka ‘the audio shit generator’.
In the video above, Diego explains the synth DIY roots of Befaco, and then demonstrates the new modules.
The Rampage is the Befaco version of an old invention: the Serge/Buchla ramp generator.
“We took the idea of a ‘patch programmable’ function generator/processor, put two units in the same module and tried to expand them with new funky functions and ways to combine them: Slope detectors, analogue logic functions and a few extra outputs to add some more complex features’, notes Befaco.
The module is built around two voltage controlled integrators. Integrators (also known as Lag Processors or Slew limiters) allow you to process your voltages, converting sharp square waves in ramp-like waveforms.
The Crush Delay is an echo-delay unit based on PT2399 that specializes in generating ‘digital garbage and noise’.
The A*B+C is a dual four-quadrant multiplier, with VC Offset. The unit does an analog multiplication of two signal (A and B) and add an offset (C).
See the Befaco site for details on all of their modules and on upcoming DIY workshops.
Befaco are great. They make workshops where you can build their (or even your own) DIY kits, under their assistance and the other people there. For someone like me that had no idea about electronics and had never touched a soldering iron before, it’s a great experience, giving you access to the wonderful world of DIY. Cheers from Barcelona!
every pt2399 delay specializes in digital garbage and noise …
They pretty clearly explained how this is different from regular pt2399 delays, it allows you to go way outside the reccomended operating range of the chip, three switches for bends in the circuit under voltage control, as well as a compressor on the input for more precise control over the feedback.
Rampage + Maths =
I want that joystick.
Befaco hold monthly weekend-long workshops in Barcelona. They also do regular workshops in Madrid, London and Berlin (I think). I went to them with zero knowledge. They provide ALL the equipment needed to build each module (all the tools, solderers, drills, etc etc). They sell you the kit for a very reasonable price (from 80 to 140 euros approx depending on what you want to build) and everything else is included. They don’t charge anything for the countless hours you can spend in their workshop over the weekend workshops. And you can go as many times as you like until you finish your module (and afterwards). I often went along even when I wasn’t working on anything. Anyway, as you can see, I’m giving them a glowing review. No I’m not their Dad or cousin or anything. Just a very satisfied member of the Befaco community. Oh and the modules they build are great. Maybe my only small criticism would be that I could have done with some more help on learning how to patch. I would hold patching meetings a little more often. If you’ve never done it before and you’d love to build your own machine. Go along. You won’t be disappointed. Gerard (Le Cliché –