Steve Reich On Tape Loops, Rhythm & Sampling In Minimalism

In this new interview, via Q on CBC, classical composer Steve Reich reflects with host Shadrach Kabango on his career in classical music. 

He starts by discussing his early tape loop works, like It’s Going To Rain and goes on to discuss his most famous works, including Clapping Music, Music for 18 Musicians, Tellehim, and Different Trains.

Along the way, he talks about his use of technology, including tape loops and sampling; remixing; and his influences, ranging from African rhythms to Stravinsky to jazz.

8 thoughts on “Steve Reich On Tape Loops, Rhythm & Sampling In Minimalism

  1. Heh. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone refer to Shad as Shadrach before. 🙂

    Thanks for this interview — it’s interesting once Steve’s thoughts get flowing.

  2. Sedentary. The interview missed a few tricks, he should have tried some avant garde interview techniques. Like, ‘My first question is… (emotive sounds) Bee-Bop, Quack… Poo… Sploosh… Da-Dum?’ Or, ‘I’d just like to ask… (CRASH!)’, with a huge cymbal to the ear. You fight fire with fire.

  3. That was a great interview! I was familiar with Steve Reich’s work before but watching him talk chronologically about his most prominent compositions really amplified my knowledge of him. He is a legend.

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