UK music gear retailer GuitarGuitar shared several videos, offering hands-on demonstrations of the new Korg Volca FM synthesizer.
The Volca FM synthesizer is a three-voice digital FM synthesizer that reproduces the iconic sound of the Yamaha DX7.
The first video offers an in-depth look at the Volca FM’s sounds:
The second video in the series looks at the Volca FM’s arpeggiator, pattern chaining and Warp Active Step features:
Finally, the third video in the series looks at using DEXED to import Sysex patches into the Korg Volca FM:
You can find out more details on importing sounds at the GuitarGuitar site.
GuitarGuitar, if you want to sell the Volca FM there’s only one sound that will do it: SLAP BASS!