Moog Brings Model 15 Modular Synth To iOS With Polyphony & MPE Support

Moog Music today introduced Model 15 for iOS – a software recreation of one of its classic 70’s hardware modular synthesizers.


The Moog Model 15 hardware modular synthesizer was originally released in 1973, and was re-released last year as a $10,000 limited edition reissue, right. The system offers a complete analog synth voice.

Moog Music says that the Model 15 iOS app is designed to meticulously recreate the ‘power and transcendent sound quality’ of each module of the original modules, including the Moog 921–series oscillators, 904A Low Pass Filter and the 907 Fixed Filter Bank.

While no app can recreate the experience of working with a hardware modular, the Model 15 app extends the original’s design in musically interesting ways – adding support for polyphony and even Multidimensional Polyphonic Expression (MPE) – a new standard for expressive synthesis control. And Bluetooth LE support means that you can connect advanced keyboard controllers, like the ROLI Rise, for wireless MPE control.

Here’s the official intro video, featuring synthesist Suzanne Ciani:

Ciani designed one of the preset packs, and she wrote one of the demo songs, embedded below:

Extending The Model 15 Design Into The Future

The Model 15 App features both monophonic and 4-voice polyphonic operation, via four touchscreen control interfaces, including:

  • a traditional Moog keyboard;
  • 1150 ribbon controller;
  • 8-step sequencing arpeggiator; and
  • the Animoog keyboard, with 22 built-in scales and polyphonic modulation capabilities.

Other extended features include complete MIDI integration, assignment for external control, MIDI controller capabilities, dedicated Audio Bridge and MIDI Bridge modules, looping recorder module with overdubbing, a master ping-pong delay module and a new extension cabinet that includes additional amplifiers and voltage-controlled reversible attenuators that can be used for effects like ring-modulation.

Additional Features:

  • Ships with over 160 unique presets
  • Recreates the sound of a hardware Moog Model 15 modular synthesizer
  • Easily share presets and recordings with anyone
  • Tutorial patches to assist all experience levels
  • Intuitive patching and cable coloring
  • Support for landscape and portrait modes
  • Voltage-controlled stereo ping-pong delay
  • Expressive sequencing arpeggiator
  • Moog 1150 Ribbon controller
  • Real-time looping recorder with overdub and immediate sharing
  • Up to two controllers on-screen (iPad only)
  • Optional left-handed UI operation


  • 3D Touch and Apple Pencil integration for after pressure
  • Note-per-channel MIDI controllers
  • Ableton Link
  • Inter-App Audio and Audiobus
  • MIDI Bridge and Audio Bridge
  • 7 and 14-Bit MIDI
  • MIDI Program Change
  • Bluetooth LE MIDI controllers
  • Typing keyboards for shortcuts and musical typing
  • AudioCopy, AudioPaste and AudioShare

Note: The Model 15 App has been coded using Apple’s new Metal graphics engine. This ensures that zooming, panning and modular patching throughout the application feels immediate and responsive.

Because the Model 15 App utilizes Apple’s Metal technology, only 64-bit devices are supported. Compatible devices include iPhone 5s or newer, iPod touch 6 or newer, iPad Air or newer, and the iPad Pro.

Pricing and Availability. The Moog Model 15 Synthesizer app is available now for US $29.99 in the App Store.

59 thoughts on “Moog Brings Model 15 Modular Synth To iOS With Polyphony & MPE Support

    1. Yes. It’s great that Ciani is being rediscovered as one of a pioneer of synthesis.

      The app looks very cool, too – makes me want to upgrade from my iPad Air 1 to one of those iPad Pros.

      1. Just a point of interest:
        I have an older iPad2 and it won’t work on that model, I can’t even download/purchase.
        I think the cutoff point is the iPad mini 2???? but I am not sure?
        Anyone know what the oldest iPad that can be used to run this software?

        1. Answered my own question.
          “Because the Model 15 App utilizes Apple’s Metal technology, only 64-bit devices are supported. Compatible devices include iPhone 5s or newer, iPod touch 6 or newer, iPad Air or newer, and the iPad Pro.”

    1. I just went out and bought the new iPad Pro, should arrive Thursday and can’t wait to download this synth.
      There is so much stuff to experiment and play with these days for electronic musicians!!

  1. Great move putting the Animoog keyboard on this instrument. I also love how you can double tap to connect wires, rather than drag them.

  2. Anybody have first impressions to share?

    Looks great, but limited sonically next to Animoog (which is a must-have app).

    1. I’m trying it for the first time on my iPhone 5S. I’ve played with most good iOs synths over the years, and this one is right up there, sonically. Really beautiful-sounding. No regrets so far!

    2. It sounds ridiculously amazing and the UI is unbelievable. I’d say they’ve taken everything awesome about Animoog and expanded on it. It’s like Animoog on steroids.

  3. I love how moog re-release the 15 at 10k just to laugh at us plebs, then they throw us a bone and some bread with this app.

    Not being able to splurge 10k on a limited modular never felt so good

    1. Charlie

      It seems pretty clear that Moog wants to either make their synths affordable to everybody or to take everybody’s money, depending on your perspective.

      But when you consider they’ve got $30 iPad apps that are great; a $600 modular synth that’s great; a $1500 analog keyboard that’s great; and the high-end modulars for the rich dudes, it’s not a bad thing!

      1. I said exactly the same thing in a tongue-in-cheek way mate. They make products for every budget and all seem to be great ????

  4. very nice but i think Arturia Modular V / windows / mac
    – already does most of this stuff
    the iphone version is sort of a joke … way to small

            1. Well, when you’re finished with my mom (who’s dead BTW), tell me again about how great the Arturia is, because you’re very credible.

                  1. Not pissing in the wind, although it’s still a dirty job, but pride has nothing to do with it: sometimes duty calls.

    1. compared to what?
      the ipad has the same power as a 10 year computer (maybe less) , what can be done on the ipad NOW use to take a powerful desktop and if go back 20 years, uhm forget it then
      need to be more of specific comparison if you are going to make it

      remember your 20 dollar cell phone has more power than the apollo moon rockets computer

      also you are aware than you can record 20 channels of audio into an iPad

  5. Agreed that Moog has done an amazing job of putting fantastic tools into the hands of people with vastly different budgets, but this feels retro/promotional to me. Animoog remains one of the most useful, great sounding, and forward thinking IPad synth apps to date years after it was released, but this feels like a lite version of Arturia’s Moog Modular and nowhere near as forward thinking as Audulus for example, maybe the second best iPad music app to date. And as far as ‘vintage clones’ go, ivcs3 is more affordable, more unique and a really great iOS implementation. Just a teeny bit disappointed, but will probably buy it if it goes on sale.

    1. Animoog was hands-down my favorite app until I got this. They’ve taken everything awesome about Animoog and exploded it into super-awesomeness. You are wrong to be dismissive – this is some next-level shit from Moog. It is no joke. This will be the new gold standard for synth apps. Audulus is very complex and deep, but sound-wise it is not super impressive. This Model 15 kills it with the sound quality, which is absolutely unbelievable.

  6. Agh heck iPad 4 here, one of the first unsupported apps agggg the beginning of the end now I know what it feels like plus a 60 dollar Australian price?

  7. I agree with JB comparing the Animoog and this latest offering in terms of Innovation versus retro looking.However suspect that Moog might have a trick up their sleeve here to play in terms of add ins and expansion. Its also noticeable that there is a blank panel in the Rack and also that in the rack they show an empty space at the bottom off the rack.The Market shows there is a lot of interest in modulars and building up.In the promotion The key new feature Moog and apple highlight is the use of “Metal” graphics to give the extra dimension of Active scaling and user interaction to enlarge the control parameters.For me this is the big winner and new innovation in the long term for this product.Apple and Moog may well collaborate to enable third parties to provide “metal” enabled Plugins as buy in add ons.Maybe from the newly established Eurorack makers.As stated by many this App ,attracts the desire to have an iPad Pro.–Moog 55 App version next year ??

  8. Strange that people still think the iPad is like a toy to make music. I mean, they should really try it in Oder to understand the potential of this tool.

  9. Like the metal graphics engine features,zooming and making knob controller twiddling closer to real hardware.I note the blanking panel space,and empty space at the bottom of the virtual cabinet wishfully I hope can add extra vocal formant filter,Bode filter.Animoog scope,Animoog 4 track.This app definitely complements IPad Pro desire

    1. I have not bought this app (yet) as I’ll have to wait for my next compatible iPad and think an iPhone 6 would not do it justice. I also have a number of modular synth apps that I could spend more time with before I buy another. However, I always find the comments around iPads vs. DAWs interesting. I never used a desktop DAW or did recording/producing until I got my iPad. There is something I connect with around the touch interface and I especially like the broad variety of interfaces. I have since used a couple desktop DAWs (mostly Ableton) to access software editors for my Ultranova and even then I don’t care to interact with a mouse for music software because I have been spoiled by the touch interface.

      Based on the video introduction, Moog has clearly clearly thought out how to optimize the app to make it easy to use with a touch screen. Of course, the most important thing is; How does it sound? And it sounds pretty good to my ears.

      Final thoughts on IOS app pricing: I have a lot of apps (I mean a lot) and have considered an overwhelming number of them to be excellent value and I’m happy to have had the opportunity to try new apps out because of lower prices. I never would have invested the money in desktop soft synths. I have taken a similar approach to hardware synthesizers and have bought and sold a number until I have found the ones that work best for my sound, have the interfaces I prefer (I hate menu diving), and sound good to me.

      For me, its not that one platform is better than the other even if its more powerful, its whether or not the platform works for you. For me, the iPad works and works well. For others a desktop DAW is the only way to go. At the end of the day, its should be all about the music and having fun!

  10. 24 hours with this app now. It is a beast! I remember dropping $10 bucks on animoog when it came out, all to see it drop down to a dollar. Hope that doesn’t happen again haha. It’s $30 USD and I (cough) would have paid more. The user interface is amazing. Couple glitches that I’m sure will be ironed out but the glitches don’t affect the sound (which is down right analog mayhem) !!!!! I still love Nave and TC-11 for modern sonic mayhem and performance but this app is just what I needed for curiosity and fun. I’m using an iPad Pro and iPhone 6s+ Both run this without a stutter. Whoever said iPad were toys…. Um maybe you should uninstall your games to free up some space for apps like this that’ll prove iPad is a force to be reckoned with. Thank you Moog!!!!!!!

  11. This app is amazing. The sounds are like stepping into the 1970,s. Thick, spacey electronic sounds and endless sonic experimentation. Anyone still thinking about spending money on this should ask them selves if they really want to be making electronic music, the app purchase is a no brainer. My god i hope we get more like this from Moog, truely breathtaking synthesizer that shows that the ipad is a true gem for music.

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