Sugar Bytes Intros Factory Synthesizer

Sugar Bytes has introduced Factory – a new software polysynth for Mac & Windows. 


  • 2×10 Oscillator Engines, plus Sub Osc (with RingMod mode) and Noise (with 5 Colors)
  • 8-Voice VA-Sync, FM, Transformer, Wavetable (6 Flavors), Waveguide, Fractal Synthesis
  • 11 Filter models, matched to the oscillators
  • Morph Crossfader allows for morphing of all continuous parameters
  • “Liquid” Mod Matrix with 8 sources & 10 targets is the centerpiece of sound creation
  • 3x Multi-Effect with drag ‘n’ drop signal flow, incl. newest reverbs (Corpus, Piano, Spring, Shimmer)
  • 4x Sequencers for all kinds of Gates and CV’s, incl. 36 motion curves, uni/bipolar
  • Arpeggiator, Intonation engine, Scale Quantizer
  • ‘Over-Featured’ Envelopes, LFOs and Sample+Hold

Here’s a series of videos that offer an in-depth introduction:

Factory is available now for US $139.


6 thoughts on “Sugar Bytes Intros Factory Synthesizer

  1. This is a great synth, instant buy for me after demoing – sounds great, matrix is truly innovative and it is capable of some amazingly complex modular type soubscapes and evolving leads and pads. Perhaps most importantly (for me) is its fun and realy easy to program/tweak (or even tweak!)

  2. This synth seems slick, though I have to say that after looking at that impressive mod matrix for a while, it became clear that one could run out of modulation capabilities pretty quickly if there are only 8 slots!

  3. I can’t remember the last time I bought a desktop synth. Mainly hardware and iOS synths these days. This is (and being reminded of the glory that is Lush101) making me reconsider because my my, what a synthesizer. 6-20X more than the going iOS rate but at least 5x lower than the rate for a similarly spec’d digital hardware instrument.

    One thing that inspires a lot of folks to move back to hardware and even iOS synths is the whole ‘fun’ factor of synthesis which many desktop synths seem to have lost at some point. SB looks to be addressing that directly.

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