Sunday Synth Jam: This video captures a live performance by Nick Batt, editor of Sonic State, at Cymru Beats 2016, described as “Wales’ only meeting for modular synthesizer enthusiasts”.
Technical Details:
Live set from Cardiff’s Cymru Beats Modular Meet. With Dreadbox Erebus, Moog Sub 37, Korg Minilogue and MFB Dominion 1 & Arturia Beatstep Pro.
Here’s Batt giving an overview of his setup:
somewhat boring imo. his remix of suzanne vega, “tom´s diner”, was way better.
So good it almost makes me want to sell half of my modular rig and go back to hardware. Almost…
Great set. Thanks for everything you do for the community, Nick (and Synthtopia)!
Fun to see Nick in action! Well done sir!
Wow. Great work Mr. Nick!
seems kinda rare to find a great music reviewer that also makes interesting music.
You need to checkout the JD73. He does both to an extreme.
Not what I expected to hear from Nick for some reason.
This was awesome.
I have the Moog Sub 37 and want every other synth he has in his set up here.
I already have immense regard for Nick as a great, sensible, knowledgeable reviewer who doesn’t talk down to EM newbies like myself. Hearing his music, my respect has deepened. I was dreading possible EDM (not being keen on it myself), and what I got was imaginative, lush, edgy, beautiful music.
Has he released any of this music? I would buy it.
He really does do an amazing job of not talking down to noobs (we’re all noobs at something, even within electronic music) while simultaneously giving geeks in the know the info and ‘real talk’ they need.
I really liked this, but I felt like most of the tunes ended rather abruptly. I guess that means that I wanted them to go on. Where’s the album, Mr. Batt?
That was really great! My kind of sounds. Beautiful.
I see Nick has some stuff on bandcamp..
Bravo! Nick’s melodies seem to have the angular genius of a Monk, or a Numan. And the shimmer layer under the moog on the second track is brilliant. This new gear is rich enough in texture and modulation I don’t miss the TR-909 most people would have put over the top…I like where music is going!
I really like the sound of Erebus. The bell-like sounds are from Dominion, correct?
Molto bello! Bravo! (Clap clap clap clap)
I often wondered what Nick’s music would sound like. Intelligent, thought provoking music using lovely synth textures. Very nice.
Cool to see Nick performing. I’ve been watching him on sonicstate for years.
The piece Nick plays @ 4:20 is almost the same he did at then end of his review of the MFB Dominion. I think he used the Eventide H9 allso for the pitch-shift / shimmer effect ?
There’s another recent video of Nick + Gaz Williams performing seperately at a Sonicstste Live jam session. Nick performed similar pieces there too.
Great sounds! I expected nothing less from watching his reviews. Can’t wait for the 0-Coast review. He needs a YouTube channel for his music!
Very nice.
great stuff! What is on the IPad?
Yamaha’s set list app. He uses it to send program changes out to the gear.
Wonderful music! Makes me calm after work. A bit like a BOC, FSOL and Orbital-Mix. Very very nice!
Nice sphere music. I like it a lot!
Nice music Nick! And thanks for your efforts for our music community. I really like your synth reviews.
Nick without a microphone! This really came as a shock and a pleasant surprise to me.
It must be the first Sonic State video that I endured not only past 60 seconds but right to the end!
The music is not really my thing, but a live performance of a sympathic guy, juggling various of these devices real time always has my respect and attention.
Well done!
that second tune was brilliant
some beautiful stuff in there! Love where he goes with his chordal movement.