Dave Smith Instruments has announced the availability of the OB-6 Desktop synthesizer.
The module has the same controls as the keyboard version, and DSI says that the OB-6 module is exactly the same internally as the keyboard version — the same VCOs, VCFs, and VCAs and the same Oberheim poly sound.
They’ve also added a poly chain feature, so that any two OB-6s can be paired for 12-voice polyphony.
Here’s an overview of the new OB-6 from DSI’s Carson Day at year’s Summer NAMM Show:
OB-6 Audio Demos
Pricing and Availability
The Dave Smith Instruments OB-6 Desktop is available now for US $2,299.
Like it. Can’t afford it.
Even though they cost less, desktop synths all seem like you’re not getting enough for your money.
2300 for a 6 voice desktop is fucking insane though
its not the 80s anymore, guys
The OB-6 is vastly more powerful than just about any analog polyphonic synth on the market, and up there with some of the greatest synths ever made.
You can’t say that about most of the other poly’s on the market – certainly not the Minologue or the Behringer.
No its not and the Behringer is not on sale yet, so hold up with the fast draw cowboy.
You don’t own a Minilogue (I do) or the Behringer. Both are vastly powerful.
$383 per voice for Oberheim Filters?
That is a great value.
It is an amazing time to be a synth enthusiast.
If they sold a mono version for $383, I’d buy it. But this.. It’s too expensive for a module in my opinion, six voices or not.
Well, you can get a lot of synthesizer voices for that kind of money from more than just one vendor, with lots of more filter types than just that Oberheim one.
Yeah good luck to DSI. Uli Behringer is our new king
It’s not meant to be “cheap” so much as reasonably cheaper than the kb version slash smaller.
I like this synth, but I agree it’s too expensive. The Analog Four is over $1000 cheaper. The Vermona Perfourmer is $600 cheaper. You could buy either and have money left over for a Minilogue, which sounds way better than it should for it’s price. You could buy an Analog Keys, and a Deep Mind 12 for just $50 more than the OB-6 desktop.
i want one, but i think when the Deep Mind 12 lands its going to take the real sting out of the market for customers for this…its going to royally mess up all Dave Smiths plans, and then it will be evident that this is certainly overpriced for a module. So i give it sales of 3-4 months and then watch the price fall
It has begun to fall already for the keyboard version. Too bad, I bought the OB6 two weeks after its release. Prices right in the sky at that time. I like the synth, but if I had wait, I could buy another synth right now…
It’s VCO not DCO which is important compared to what’s out there, but lack of modulation options for the price is what’s going to keep me from buying this.
Want. If you’ve ever actually played one for more than three minutes, you prolly want one too. And though it’s currently out of my $$ league, it’s obvious that it’s worth the asking price when you play it.
Wish it had 5 octaves though!
I kinda feel like they cheesed out on the “OB-6” platform, by not including the fantastic augmentation of the Page 2 functions, which really puts the OB-8 over the top. my pet peeve.
EDIT: I just listened to Carson in the video saying the OB6 is based on the SEM. So I guess I’m wrong. But they really could have put this thing into orbit had they spent a little more time – and not just substituted different “chips” for the osc, filter…
Matrix 6 FTW. Seriously when is Oberheim going to release another Expander or Matrix 12. Dream analog poly. Analog Four is close. Also modern polysynths should be multitimbral.