Tangerine Dream Tribute To ‘Stranger Things’


The Netflix sci-fi series Stranger Things has garnered a lot of attention, since it debuted, for its nostalgic take on the 80s.

Part of its appeal is the soundtrack, by Kyle Dixon and Michael Stein (of the Austin band S U R V I V E), which takes inspiration by classic synth soundtracks by Tangerine Dream, John Carpenter and others.

Now it looks like Tangerine Dream has completed the circle, released a track on their Soundcloud page, embedded below, that takes inspiration from the Stranger Things soundtrack:

15 thoughts on “Tangerine Dream Tribute To ‘Stranger Things’

  1. I know this isn’t an apt comparison but the first thing this reminded me of was the competitiveness between Pete Townshend and Jimi Hendrix at Monterrey, culminating in Hendrix going on and playing through the licks Townshend had just played, just to show off how effortless it was for him.

  2. I did notice that one track from Exit by TD features on the series anyway. So does an excerpt from Green Desert. However, I’m a bit confused here. Was Edgar Froese pulled from a wormhole in space to release this??

  3. I would rather say, Thorsten Quaeschning and Ulrich Schnauss going for the cheap shot with Bianca Acquaye-Froese’s blessing (something Froese himself would NEVER have done). I have to agree with Jerome Froese – even if TD for me ceased to exist as such already after Chris Franke’s departure (becoming the Froese & Friends project instead), without Edgar Froese on board it makes no sense using the Tangerine Dream moniker anymore. Trying to publish anything new under that name without any contribution from Edgar feels like pissing on his grave, prostituting his legacy etc etc… Even if he really deserved the recognition for the very underrated TD soundtrack work of the 80s (instead of all the abuse for not publishing a second Rubycon instead) – they both featured some of TD’s best moments of the 80s and also set up the template for the standard electronic score of the following decades – two relatively intrascendent Tangerine Dream members using the name to tribute two copyists? WHAT IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD??

    1. Or you could listen to the music and actually comment on it – and you’d realize that this sounds like Tangerine Dream and they add something that’s not there in the ST soundtrack.

      You can’t live in the past forever, dude!

  4. Tangerine Dream’s Exit – which blew my mind as a young teenager – was released in September, 1981. Two of the three current members of the group were toddlers at that point. The third was in diapers.

  5. I love this type of music… I love TD, I dig the ST soundtrack. However I’m not impressed. Seems a lot of people who attempt to create new versions of 80-esque music often do so by just laying down repetitive big chords and a basic arp over some gated/reverbed drums and just keep the sound tuned to the 80s vibe.

    I would have expected a bit more depth from TD

  6. Commenters, come now.

    It’s a fantastic track and it’s a cover TD is doing of a soundtrack by a group that took its inspiration from TD.

    It’s a gesture of respect. And it’s very well done. It’s also free to listen to. A lovely gesture.

    Complaining about this particular release really makes one appear petty and insecure.

  7. I’m going to be that and guy, and say that I really disliked the Stranger Things soundtrack. The show itself was rarely more than a bunch of nostalgic clichés strung together, but the tacky faux-eighties music made it so much worse for me. Thank god they used some actual eighties music as well.

    1. You don’t have to love everything!

      I liked both the soundtrack and the show a lot, though. Probably over-hyped a bit, but it was WAY more enjoyable to me than any of the multi-million dollar DC or Marvel films of the last few years.

      And the soundtrack composers did a great job of getting the 80’s vibe without sounding like they’re imitating specific 80’s soundtracks.

    2. Maybe due to it being completely over-hyped on social media – but I heard about the Stranger Things soundtrack long before I’d heard it in the series, and I was excited about what was assured to be music that was going to blow me away. No disrespect to the guy who composed and produced it, but I was pretty under-whelmed by all of it… and I am by no means a tough critic. Pretty standard fare for this genre, and there are plenty of people making music like this (or better) right now and without recognition. This is more about the hows and whys, and the ways in which music is getting noticed today, and the various ways that audiences are found – which is becoming more and more difficult and will continue to get worse. That is of itself more interesting than the music we’re talking about.

  8. For me (and its a very personal view), TD’s output from the 90’s and 00’s, with rare exceptions, was bland. Yes, I am one of those that remembers TD as Froese/Franke/Baumann of even Froese/Franke/Schmoelling, but I must say that the entrance of Ulrich (who I admire anyway), has been a saving grace for TD. He has injected some fresh ideas and the re-energised music is much more emotional now. For the first time in a long time I am excited and have no problem with the TD name continuing. Sad as it is that Edgar is not with us, he created a brand of sorts, rather like Apple and that continues after Steve Jobs death quite happily. I think it a fitting legacy that the music does continue after Edgars relocation.

  9. It was Edgar’s wish the band should continue, do fans think they know better than the founder of the group? The new TD are planning lots of news things, including the return of improvisation in gigs. If it’s not your cup of tea – be honest, don’t hide behind it’s NOT TD now nonsense, and admit you haven’t liked TD in decades and let the band and their fans continue on the journey. Plenty of other music to listen to from the good old days of TD or other artists. Stop yer moaning!

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