Dave Smith Instruments Intros DSM03 Feedback Module

dsm03-feedback-module-medDave Smith Instruments today introduced the DSM03 Feedback Module, their third Eurorack synth module.

At the heart of the module is a tuned feedback line, with adjustable parameters for Amount and Tuning. It also features a newly-designed, resonant, low-pass filter for further signal processing.

A noise source is also provided with Trigger In as well as Attack and Decay envelope controls to allow Karplus-Strong-type plucked string synthesis.

“We adapted the feedback feature originally found in our Evolver, Pro 2, and Prophet 12 synths,” notes Smith. “The idea is that you have a tuned feedback loop that takes the audio output, runs it back through the filter, then through a delay line so you can perform Karplus-Strong synthesis—or just use it for mangling sounds.”

The 4-pole, resonant, lowpass filter is a new digital design, based partially on classic analog filters of the past, but with over-sampling and numerous tweaks in the signal path. There was no attempt to copy or duplicate a specific, existing filter. We simply wanted to provide a great-sounding design that works well both in the feedback context and as a stand-alone tone-shaping tool.”

The DSM03 module is a 10HP wide, standard Eurorack-format device with interconnections made using 3.5 mm phone jacks. A set of inputs allow individual voltage control of feedback amount, tuning, low-pass filter frequency, and filter resonance. The module provides one audio input and one audio output as well as an audio trigger input for the noise source. The digital filter’s signal path provides full 24-bit, 96 kHz resolution for superior audio fidelity.

“When it comes to designing our modules, we like to provide things that are slightly esoteric, but still fundamental to the Dave Smith sound,” notes Smith. “Tuned feedback has been a part of the tonal palette of our synthesizers since the Evolver, so we wanted modular users to have access to it, too. It offers a lot of really fun, creative possibilities.”

Pricing and Availability

The Dave Smith Instruments DSM03 module is available now with a MAP of $275.

7 thoughts on “Dave Smith Instruments Intros DSM03 Feedback Module

  1. Not many tuned delay-lines in Eurorack land at the moment, CG products Delay1022 is the only other module I can think of. Nice to see DSI exploring this territory!

  2. So very cool.

    The one thing that I felt was missing from my P12 was the ability to process external audio. Aside from the delay, we now have the fundamentals in a Euro form factor.

  3. This was “introduced” months ago… I’m glad it’s finally out. A very unique module if you ask me. I love playing with the feedback section and the delay lines on my evolver

  4. Aren’t there are 100’s of similar effects in pedal form, that could be connected in a modular input/output circuit ?

    – do you get my point ?

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