In this video, Sweetwater’s Daniel Fisher gives a hands-on demo of the Korg Monologue monophonic analog synthesizer.
Real-time performances of Monologue Programs start at 14:53:
Technical Details:
Fisher’s demo features a prototype of the Monologue. The synth is running on battery power and the audio out is going directly to the video camera’s audio input with no added effects.
Pricing and Availability
Korg’s Monologue will be available for pre-order starting November 1, 2016, for US $299.99, with an in-store date of January 9, 2017. To learn more visit the Korg website.
For $299.99 Great Job Korg
seems like arturia microbrute with same price,
here is my remarks as microbrute owner
better design
better sequencer
2 vco’s
tiny oscilloscope
overtone generator
patch points
brute factor
so choose your weapon, i choose both
I agree. I already have the Microbrute, and while I’m tempted, I can’t justify buying this. I’d rather spend the extra $200 for the Minilogue.
I would be way more into it if they offered it as a module. I already have my dream MIDI controller, I don’t need a crummy one attached to an interesting synth. There are some great analog/knobby/poly modules on the market currently but not many analog/knobby/mono modules *with presets*. Heck, even if it was the same price I’d still be interested. I love my modualized “Skinibrute” but no presets and my DSI Evolver but matrix programming (ugh).
What MIDI controller are you referring to? Always looking for a better one
As am I…please share.
I am the proud owner of a Linnstrument and I love it.
I’m thinking of selling my Dewalt drill and buying a Makita. I used to have a Bosch and put my shelving in my kitchen up with it. I sold the bosch and will put the money i get from my dewalt and Bosch towards a makita- need to put some shelving up in the dining room. I wish Dewalt would make a 24v drill with lion battery then i could really put some shelving up much better and bigger than before!
Can we see your work online anywhere?
I own a lot of Snap On tools but never use them. I do take a lot of pictures and like talking about my expensive Snap On tools.
i know this gal with snap on tools
although the pictures can not be seen here
could not resist
Where did you get your shelves?
Great demo, makes me interested for sure
There are some pretty awesome rude bass tones coming from this thing that (unlike Brute Factor) can actually fit in a mix. I think Korg just introduced the coolest of the cheap little monosynths! I know I’ll pick up one of these – the only question in my mind is what colour!
Anything can “actually fit in a mix” if you learn how to use an EQ.
Anything can fit in the mix if you change how it sounds?
dear korg make some eurorack
I’d rather pay $299 for an entire synth like this than fork over the same amount for a single module.
Synth sounds cool and everything, but is the sequencer fixed to 16 steps or it could be less too? Impossible to find out about that.
Monologue Sequencer can be any length from 1 – 16 Steps.
ok I think korg just took some of my money on this one.
Will this (and does the Minilogue) have remote control / editing, via the MIDI or USB port ?
– from an iOS App or Lemur, TouchOSC, CTRL, MIDIDesigner… ???
check out midi specs on its brother to find what can be done
the are some midi cc going on
I think that in this price range the Novation Bass-station 2 is still the only decent offer.
looks like a analog ms2000 is some respects
Yeah it does. Especially in the blue color.
Korg, very cheap, bad manufacturing. I am waiting for my Monotribe repair for 2 years with go and back to Korg after sell service. This time I pass.
Korg Does it again! Sounds great! This looks very interesting!
The Monologue will cost less money when I smash a synth at the end of every show. Although, it won’t be as dramatic as smashing a synth with 5 octaves of full size keys.* Up until now, I’ve been smashing Prophet 12s after lighting them on fire.
*Kind of like the small Stone Henge coming down on stage and then having dwarfs dancing around it instead of the expected full scale version.
I wrote an email to Tatsuya Takahashi’s team asking for a firmware update to the minilogue to allow for microtuning feature right after i got it a few months ago… here’s hoping that’s in the pipeline too for minilogue owners. It would make sense, surely??
With the rising popularity of modular gear, I’m surprised this doesn’t have cv outs.
have you seen comments on their new interface?
I heard a true rumor that Richard D James had a hand in this feature and preset wise. Woops.. Shhhh…
I can believe it! What a mental little instrument? And with microtuning too (probably the RDJ giveaway)? So pleased I didn’t purchase a Microbrute. Or a Novation Bassstation for that matter. And it also runs on batteries too?? I have serious WANT!
The (real!) wood back plates… cute or what?
This morning I was all Eh, but having looked over the features and seen this i’m convinced it’s is the best synth you could possibly get for $300. It looks so fun. Damn, did a Sweetwater demo just sell me on somethin? Korg buddy, I’m really liking you.
First Korg ms-20 (NICE!) …then Korg ARP Odyssey (Wow and nice!)….and then this? :S
Come on Korg, you can do that better!
if Korg can support CC control on this analog machine then wonder why they have not done it on the Odyssey.
Or, Monologue?
Thought I had decide don Microbrute but things just complicated
Btw, anyone else in the UK p@$$ed off about the price parity with dollars that shops are already quoting (£299) or as it is still competitive just suck it up?
I’ve noticed that more than just a couple of shops now have Microbrutes at £229
Does the Monologue come with a magnifying glass?
the volcas didn’t
although they should come with a wand for those of us with big hands
Monologue or Model D. Hmmm…
I preordered it today the hardest part of it all was picking the color lol.
I love what kong are doing at the moment, This has a great price point, but from this demo (youtube compressions etc) sounds like ass.
Please please please Korg, give us a full size multitimbral volca (style programming) FM synth.
Preferably a desktop module for my taste, but i wouldn’t even grumble at mini keys.
You nailed the Volca Fm, its time to go full size on that shit. Serious gap in the market there.
Also, you may want to think about an FM drum machine, I’ve not come across one b4. Could be interesting.
Well I’ve pre-ordered one and here’s why. First – although the presets suck – I can hear enough to determine that the underlying synthesis and tone generation is really capable. Second – it’s a great little controller size for my Moog mothers. Third – it’s an ideal size to use with the iPad – both as a controller and as a sound source. But most of all…. … comes in RED.