Paracosm has announced that Lumen – an analog-style semi-modular video synthesizer for the Mac – has been updated to add MIDI support.
This feature makes every knob and button on the synthesizer section of Lumen remote-controllable by external controllers, MIDI sequencers, and DAWs.
Here’s an example of a video created with Lumen:
Framework Visuals music video for Kan3da’s song Dancing Data was recorded in a single take, using Lumen remote-controlled by Ableton Live.
MIDI control in Lumen can also be used to create audio-reactive visuals, as Robotkid shows in this demonstration video using Max for Live:
Pricing And Availability
Lumen is available now for US $129.
This is cool!
Yes! I’ve been waiting for midi control. Amazing video program! Thanks Synthtopia for this
Lumen is a really deep program. The added functionality of midi has made it incredibly useful for live performance and general tweakage. There’s a very supportive community on slack and the developers are planning on building this out over time. It works great with Syphon too!
I am a huge fan of this software, it is very complimentary to electronic and experimental music. MIDI control was a long time coming, and it really adds to the “playability” of Lumen. You can also use Syphon to push video into Lumen and affect it, or export from Lumen and record it for future use/blending. The developer has been very responsive to suggestions and feedback, which is a total plus.
There really is nothing quite like it out there. A total pixel unicorn. Fire up your projector and get weird.
I made a Lemur template for this. Lot of fun!