Improvising With A Custom MIDI DanTyBad

In this video, Dr. Liza Seigido of the Psyche Electro-Acoustic Opera Company improvises with her custom-built MIDI DanTyBa – a modern take on a traditional Vietnamese string instrument.

The custom MIDI DanTyBa is powered by the Makey Makey microcontroller and Max/MSP. The Max patch she constructed for her DanTyBa can control software synths, DMX light fixtures, and trigger live audio effects.

Seigido has also shared a tutorial on how she built her MIDI DanTyBa, embedded below:

10 thoughts on “Improvising With A Custom MIDI DanTyBad

    1. My thought as well. Interesting effort, and I’m all about alternative interfaces and new ways of blurring boundaries between acoustic and electronic instruments. But it was more than a bit disappointing to see there’s no strings on the instrument, and therefore no use of the frets and the actual design of the instrument, and the sounds coming out could have been done with a keyboard with 4 keys.

  1. i dig the song and the aesthetic but 6 keys/buttons does not an expressive instrument make, seems like the strings would have offered more possibilities…

  2. dear Dr. Liza Seigido, i’m Vu Nhat Tan composer/electronic music artist from Hanoi (Vietnam), i’m very happy to see your new midi DanTyBa and the sounds from our original traditional musical instrument. I would like to send my best from Hanoi and hope to keep contact with you, my email is

    thank you!

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