Klevgränd has introduced Pads, a new software synth for iOS, Mac & Windows, tailored to ‘thriving and organic’ pads.
Pads consists of a wavetable synth with a noise/grain generator and a high cut filter. It features a carefully developed ”wobbler” that detunes the waveforms and makes very small inconsistencies to several internal parameters and a sounding chorus that help it create dynamic pad sounds.
- Filter, Attack and Volume can be modulated by velocity
- Controllable grit/grain level, sampled from a real hammond organ with a broken tone wheel
- Controllable wobble factor that adds analogue unpredictability
- 30 handcrafted presets created by professional musicians
Pricing and Availability
Pads is available now, with introductory prices (about 35% off) of $12.99 for the desktop version and $4.99 for the iOS version.
Not very impressive, IMO.
true, but then again maybe someone could make a better demo, a few of their thing seam interesting
Feel free to demonstrate your alternative
Sure. Listen to the software synths in Logic Pro or MainStage. They blow this crap away.
You made those? Cool!
Every last one of them. Yeah, that’s the ticket.
It would be nice to hear a few more samples. It’s hard to get an idea of the range from one 45 second demo.
Got this as I like the Klevgrand apps….but ya, not really impressed. No setup options (midi?) and limited in sound with fiddly controls. Too bad. I will pretend I drank a fancy coffee and chalk up the $5 to that.
Same here, blind buy because it’s Klevgrand and AU, but not impressed either I’m afraid…
I’m gonna get a refund on this. Every preset disappoints so I figure if the presets are so bland why should I bother attempting to get anything worthwhile from it? Most of the presets are flat, dull and every other synth I have blows it away,
I am one of the not impressed people too. I think i urged into purchasing and now have 13 euros less money…:-) That being said I learnt a valuable lesson though and wanted to write my thought down. I was reading the comments here after i purchased and without having used it yet. And i thought ” oh no. so many people say they don`t like it! not again a wrong buy…
” but then i opened the daw in order to try it out. Took a preset called “softstrings 1” or something. can`t remember the name. Played with the reso a bit, a bit filter tweaking, a bit x/y moving the thingy here and there, threw a reverb on it and started playing notes. before i knew it i was in this “jamin` and enjoying only one sound” mode. no drums no nothing. just playing with this synth. and i had one of those Halfopenmouthanddroolingallovertheplace moments. so yes there are better solutions out there. But when i actually started experimenting with it i remembered that i like experimenting better than being disappointed that i bought the wrong thing that doesn`t have the best presets on the fly and and and . It basically is a first world problem though. Life is too short and it actually is what you make it and what you make with it. This is what i learned.
Can’t plus one on my phone but great post. “I remembered I like experimenting more than I like being disappointed” is like some deep “Plato for Synthesizer User” shit.
That’s all very elementary…as I too have spent the time , in the past, experimenting with apps that have a ‘limited’ pallette and tweaked some sweet gold juice out of it. But that said…the fiddly GUI, and the fact that not much ‘interesting’ happens …bar a few sounds ( that I could also get from a gazillion other IOS synths) makes me conclude it isn’t worth the money. It isn’t anything special..which isn’t to say it can’t be useful for ‘some’…just not worth the money to ‘most’.
Ok I’ll chime in.. The presets might be throwing people off. I hear a pad synth full of character with a simple interface. The filter is hard to dislike because it’s natural and smooth to my ears.. You probably already know but yeah slow attack and release settings really take things there – so to speak. It can get lofi hifi and also it can do combinations of drifting or smeary sounds if you don’t mind overuse of vague adjectives. I’m playing with it and enjoying it.
There are so many amazing synths for IOS and with amazing pad sounds. You shouldn’t have to play around or run a synth through another FX system to coax a good sound out of it. It seems to me the dev isn’t aware of other synth apps if he thinks this is a pad synth.
I’m gonna get a refund. Every preset disappointed. Can’t say I heard any pad synth sounds. Just really flat, weak, plain, dull, boring presets. Some might say that you should play around until you get something good out of it? If the developer couldn’t play around with it and get any great sounds then why should I? It’s the worst synth I’ve heard in 2016.
I’m getting a refund on this.