Behringer DeepMind 12 In-Depth Demo With Daniel Fisher

This video, by Sweetwater’s synth guru Daniel Fisher, takes an in-depth look the Behringer DeepMind 12 analog 12-Voice polyphonic synthesizer.

In addition to demonstrating the key features of the synth, Fisher shows some of the potential of the DeepMind 12 with a collection of his custom patches. 

If you want to know more about the DeepMind 12, check out our playlist of videos, below, which features interviews with two of the creators of the new analog synth:

Pricing and Availability

Behringer has said that the DeepMind 12 synthesizer is expected to be available by the end of 2016, priced at US $999.

41 thoughts on “Behringer DeepMind 12 In-Depth Demo With Daniel Fisher

    1. Just curious what “digital” means to you? What are you hearing that makes you say that? I play lots of digital synths and this sounds pretty analog to me. Would you be willing to list what qualities you are hearing?

        1. Hardly. A P08 sounds nothing like a Juno 60. A juno 60 sounds nothing like a synthex. Of course, if you’re going to be that broad about it, you could also say, ” if you’ve heard one VCO, you’ve heard them all.”

        2. Repeat after me: “The waveform generated by a DCO is analog. Just like the waveform generated by a VCO.”

          A sawtooth generated by a DCO is just as sawtoothy as the same waveform generated by a VCO (assuming that both waveform generation circuits are well designed).

          Complaints about the sound of DCO-based synths arise because of the precise tuning and synchronization of the oscillators, limited resolution of the CV input that controls the slope of the ramp generator in some old synths, and limited resolution of the digital pulse circuits used to generate waveform reset pulses in some old instruments.

    2. I think you need to re-listen to the filters at 6:30 – 7:30 (great res and natural cutoff … unlike most models)

      and then randoms at 19:45 (kick that Buchla sound into overdrive)

      natural noise at 6:00 (i know, it sounds like a digital sample of a good white noise generator).

      Then for the final sale … Who’s line at 21:20

      Not sure what digital characteristics are evident?

    3. Here’s an idea. Wait until you can play it live. Then do a double blind test with another analog synth to see if you can tell the difference.

    4. I AGREE. Very “distant” sounding like a digital synth. Not “present” like an analog. But very flexible for digital pads/soundtracky stuff. Near useless for analog type basses, leads and pads, compared to most analog synths.

  1. “Expected to be available by the end of 2016” gives Behringer 7 days to release it, 4 excluding Xmas Holliday.
    Somehow I don’t think it will happen… 😉

  2. Sounds digital, looks and operate like a Yamaha arranger, and gets so hot it needs a fan. I don’t care if it’s ‘only’ 999$, i predict a flop…

    1. Actually it looks just like a Juno 106 which it was modelled on and the pre-orders on this synth will make it one of the best selling analogue synths ever- check out the thread on gearslutz, one major dealer order so may the price got lowered! I think it is more likely that they won’t be able to keep up with demand.

      On the sound, obviously subjective, but all credible reviews (SOS. Sonic State etc) say it sounds great in real life, and the demos sound very good to me, I have a lot of real analogue in my studio, but I will certainly be adding this, the modulation matrix is one of the most powerful in any synth I have ever come across.

  3. I find that this instrument’s sound palette is too varied to be compatible with my narrow conception of what polyphonic analog subtractive synthesis should be capable of sounding like.

    Also too expensive.

    1. Did you ever listen to a high quality build analog synth without FX? They are very clean sounding, maybe that’s what you call sterile/digital. This one here will give you stabs, basses and beats that will literally kill any Virus and even DSI-Synth. The strength of this synth is his direct and dry sound, not the FX. I would pair him up with an Ensoniq DP4+. That would emphasize its character and will sound amazing. If you like noisy unstable organic synths then go for an old MS20 or Minimoog. The Minimoog reissue is much better sounding than the original. Yamaha CS-Synths do also have that wonderful straight sound, especially the CS-15.

  4. Great synth in many ways. Quite a long demo, till it gets going. Then sadly, I didn’t like 90% of the sounds! But that’s likely to be a taste issue, between me and Mr Dan. 7-) And that’s cool. It’s a powerful synth. But I’ve only unlocked a fraction of my P06’s powers, so this would be a luxury synth to have. To compete with the P06, hmmm, I wonder(?)

    1. If you have a computer, you already have a system 8….the vst plugs will follow soon just like the System 1. You can demo the system 1 plugs now- the sound is essentially the same, the polly is just lower (4 not 8 voice)

  5. As someone who recently sold his Juno 60, I’m waiting to hear a comparison to a 106 as I haven’t heard any definite Juno tones out of it yet. (I realize 106 and 60 don’t sound identical).

  6. i/we’ve seen so many videos of this synthesizer played and explained by the designers in england and synth experts in europe/u.s. commenters respond with conviction about how the synth emotionally affects them.

    however, the factory workers who are assembling this thing are conspicuously absent. i’d love to see a video where the presumably chinese people who make the synth talk about what it means to them.

      1. this “product” i commented with isn’t an instrument per se. and this website isn’t about commenting devices, it’s about musical instruments. instruments are sometimes marketed, like this one, to show off the soul and ingenuity of its designers. musicians often like to know about the hands of the luthier. if you mistakingly think i’m complaining about things being made in china, or you don’t care, or don’t understand, then that’s fine, but some people are interested.

        even if i am using a plastic midi controller with a 2 year lifespan or a surface mounted synth with a 5 digit serial number, i still am curious to see how it’s made and who makes it and what kind of world the thing is made in.

        i’m not criticizing this particular video, which is actually a nice one. i’m simply pointing out that what i get to learn most of the time is spiels from American or European people talking about how their instrument is gonna be a big “game changer.” i just find it, i don’t know, boring after awhile to see the same thing over and over. this forum and commentary is a form of entertainment in itself after all.

        – anyway as an example i bought a bicycle recently and researched who made the parts. i got to learn about taiwanese people who manufactured my it (although it was rebranded by a u.s. company) and i found what i learned pretty cool and interesting.

        i guess the boringness is the marketingness that always seeps in.

        1. unfortunately, i think you’re in the extreme minority in terms of wanting to know, in a genuinely curious way, how the product was made. most of the time, people get all sjw in a very unproductive way about these things, without realizing their hypocrisy. military grade parts this… chinese factory that… It isn’t genuine concern, but rather a vehicle to make themselves feel better about themselves. Anyway, you seem to belong to a different lot, so I apologize for misjudging you.

  7. Gun to my head I’ll take VCOs any day. But I think you’re crazy if you write off the merrits of DCOs. Why limit yourself? If you’re going to own more than one synth, might as well have a nice broad palette of sounds to work with.

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