Plankton Electronics’ Àlex Ballester let us know that their Kickstarter project to fund production of the Ants! semi-modular desktop synthesizer has reached its funding goals, and they’ve announced ‘stretch goals’.
If they the 45.000€ stretch goal, the synth will get these additional features:
- An extra CV output. The MIDI in connector will be at the rear part (still with a 3.5mm jack) and we will add a second cv output. CC or velocity.
- SelectableMIDI channel instead of “MIDI learn”
- A sync in on the LFO1.
- Envelope 1 will be a triggered Attack/Decay instead of a gated Attack/Release.
- One of the LFOs will have a sine wave output.
- We will replace the attenuators for “attenuverters” in the mixer section.
- A big and complete “patch book” with video demos. From basic sounds to complex patching
They’ve also released a playlist of video demos for the Ants!, embedded below:
The Ants! synthesizer is available to project backers for €499.
i don´t get it… another company in that tiny niche. who buys all this stuff??
Those elves at the North Pole work hard to be able to buy these things????
People like me who like small things that sound good. I don’t have space for many more synths and I’m not ready to go down the rabbit hole of a full modular system.
What a lovely little box, want!
“…and I’m not ready to go down the rabbit hole of a full modular system.”
Ooooo but you see it is all a grand master plan to lure you into that hole!