XILS-Lab PolyKB III Now Available

XILS-Lab has released PolyKB III – the latest version of their software synth, inspired by the sound of the RSF PolyKobol 2.

The PolyKB III is designed to recreate ‘the sound and spirit’ of the RSF PolyKobol 2 polyphonic synthesizer, including its most revolutionary feature: morphing analog Oscillators.


  • 3 Morphing oscillators
  • 2 Multimode 0df Filters
  • 3 Envelopes, 2 LFOS per voice
  • Polysequencer, arpeggiator, ‘vintage’ effects
  • Hundreds of modulation, including 2 Unique Per voice modulators, a supersized step sequencer and two Mod Matrixes

Pricing and Availability

PolyKB III is available now, with an introductory price of 119€ through January 21th, 2017. See the XILS-Lab site for audio demos and details.

12 thoughts on “XILS-Lab PolyKB III Now Available

    1. PolyKB III has 3 oscillators and 2 multimode filters (vs 2osc and 1 filter for PolyKB II). The Polysequencer can now be used as a supersized step modulator. User Macro mods matrix is 2x bigger. Added presets. Additionnal mod sources and targets. the 3 EVs have now individual time multiply settings. You can perform filter morphing. Etc.

  1. Want one for 119Euro
    Oh dear, they really mean it. It’s a software thingy. Not for me.
    It does sound classy and like 40 years ago, it does have the French touch, but still not for me.

  2. Another 100+ Euro plugin! Hurrayyyyyyy!!!!! Go rich people!!!!!! Let`s buy 5-6 of them!!! can`t wait!!!! Price depends on the market for the wood probably in this case!

  3. For those of you concerned with the price, check the exchange rate. As I write this comment, €100 is equal to 105 American dollars. That is the best exchange rate I have seen in a long time, which makes this plug-in a steal because it sounds excellent.

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