UK synth DIYer Sam Battle of Look Mum No Computer shared this video, demoing his DIY Gameboy MIDI controller.
The Gameboy is not being used to make sound, just as a MIDI sequencer.
Here’s what he has to say about his setup:
using LSDJ, and the ARDUINOBOY code (search both of them up and your sorted)
its super simple to build.
you only need a gameboy, a cartridge for gameboy, look at shops like kitsch bent or retrotowers.
search up arduino nano on eBay they are about £2, 6 led’s 1 6N138 and a handful of other things. its real easy. you will be pointed in the right direction if you search up arduinoboy. there are even assembled versions!!
one thing to note!!! i miss it everytime i stripboard an arduino boy! the gameboy cable connects to the analog pins!!! not digital. its an easy mistake to make.
this is only a very small amount of what LSDJ, and arduinoboy do! i don’t think its a very popular feature of either of them. but its all i use them for!