The Double Jupiter is an unusual 8-voice polyphonic touch synthesizer.
While it looks like a cross between a set of bongos and a tongue drum, it’s a touch-controlled digital synthesizer, with a built-in sequencer.
- 32-Bit Cortex M-4 Processor producing Noiseless Stereo Audio at 44.1 kHz (Sample Rate)
- 500 WaveForms that can be Layered and Mixed 2 at a time across the 8 Voices (see video and guide below)
- Built-In Sequencing Feature (Corinthian Sequence Mode)
- Complete “Save” functionality of all Parameters/Current Settings
- Gold-Plated 1/8inch – (3.5mm) – Audio Output Jack
- Power: 3xAA Batteries for 12+ Operation Hours
- Made from Mahogany, Cambia Oak, RubberWood
See the Artifact-Z site for details.
What’s the price? PayPal says $265. Sounds inexpensive.
>sounds inexpensive
Before looking at the photo I thought this was about two Jupiter-8 duck taped together.
I thought it was another NES product myself
donkey kong anyone
Obvious scam is obvious
I like the super wide shot of the internal components. I mean, we may want to see how it works.
That’s a weird one. It does sound at all like it looks.
Seems like the tree was making much better use of that nice wood… just you know, being a tree.
I meant to say, “It DOESN’T sound at all like it looks.”
Post is 4 days early.
Hey. this is the Creator here, Aaron B. just wanted to pop in to say that the Double Jupiter Synth is very Real.
I understand, some people instantly assume that this is a scam or a joke because it is not the usual DIY square box with knobs. If this Synth was a square box with Knobs would you still assume it is fake so quickly? The touch bars are touch sensitive thanks to Piezo sensors. I got the idea from Peter Blasser and his organus series. I will not post pictures of the inner electronics and laugh at this suggestion. If anyone would like to ask anymore questions i would love to answer at
I’ll be waiting for Behringer to clone this.
“I will not post pictures of the inner electronics and laugh at this suggestion.”
I was with you until that sentence. Rudeness that foreshadows bad customer service. It’s a cool concept, but it doesn’t sound all that great, and isn’t all that musical. Probably better off selling it on etsy a novelty gift.
haha. I do not believe I am being rude here. I am simply not going to post the pictures of the inner circuit. To me that is a very rude thing to ask for. It undermines the entire vibe of the Instrument overall. You can agree with me or not but this is simply how i feel. I designed this one of a kind synthesizer for someone who will appreciate what it is without needing to see the insides. Not for the skeptic. I have excellent customer service and am happy to talk about the Instrument and what it can do for hours with anyone interested at:
Definetly don’t post the internals, that’s like a magician showing how the trick was done, this seems like an instrument of discovery and I don’t want know how it works. I think this is pretty cool, very different and original, excited to see what people make with it.
Great instrument for drone performances! What’s wrong with you, people?
I thought they’d spin ????
I don’t know this guy and never heard of this stuff but I looked at his site and I think comments are unfair so I’d come in and defend him a bit. All my sources are just looking at his web page pictures and the video.
So this is called the Double Jupiter because the keys are cut into two round shapes with lines that make it look like the planet Jupiter. Nothing to do with Roland instruments, which could be confusing (and a possible trademark issue down the line, but Roland is usually pretty chill about such things).
What do the electronics look like? Well inside is empty space except for a little black plastic box. This has some leads coming out connected to piezo sensors under each of the 8 wooden keys. Inside the black box is some kind of circuit board with a Cortex M4 cell phone processor, which is popular for low end synths and tiny web servers, and low end phones too. It handles the sensing of some keys and maybe we’re even using its one channel DAC for the sound. It’s likely this board only has one big chip, a voltage regulator, and a handful of resistors and capacitors. It might even just be a generic M4 board from Aliexpress with his custom programming, I’ve got a drawer full of them myself.
The keys are just on/off sensors. There’s no position sensing. The left keys select the mode and functions the right keys play stuff or change settings, depending on the left keys. Analog values are set by incrementing and decrementing.
The synth engine is very simple. You have attack and decay and waveform shape for two oscillators. The end.
This is not a cool master controller or awesome sounding synth. It’s a experimental hand made art synth. There’s a bunch of guys making these sorts of things. Strange looking synths with unusual and often unintuitive user interfaces. It’s an art work made by an artist which happens to be a functional device, an art piece, that you can interact with and play with. It’s hand made and created in very small quantities. You buy this because you’re a collector or you like strange things. Maybe you are part of the scene that meets in warehouses and you play a set and pull this thing out and the audience is all “what the heck is that thing” and it’s a conversation piece.
If you’re looking for the next master synth, this isn’t it. This is something for a small number of people into these sorts of things. And it’s great that there are guys out there exploring such things and offering them for “sale” by which we mean he’s probably charging you for the parts and a small amount for his own labor, there’s no profit involved in this sort of stuff.
I’ve bought one of Aaron’s instruments before, the “companion synthesizer”, when he was selling it on Tindie (I think he was also selling on Etsy). This is real, folks, and it’s pretty damn cool! And he’s not being rude. I asked the same questions about what makes these things tick. He was pretty open with me about some of the technology inside, maybe because I didn’t scoff at it and had actually bought one and supported his art? These things are really nice works of art. He hand makes these to order.
The Video has been removed because the Double Jupiter has been sold. It was a one-of-a-kind design and removal of the video is a courtesy I give to the person who paid for it (regardless if they ask or not). The synth is now theirs to post videos of. Hope you all understand -Aaron B. Artifact-Z
Dude you’re pretty hard core with one-off designs. This reminds me of Jarre’s Music for Supermarkets, a one-off album that was played once on the radio, then sold at auction while the master tapes were physically destroyed.
Pretty cool conceptual stuff, love what you’re doing. Keep on keeping on.