Spitfire + BT Intro Phobos Polyconvolution Synthesizer

Spitfire Audio and composer/synthesist BT have introduced Phobos – a synthesizer designed for composers writing epic, cinematic electronic and hybrid compositions.

At its core, Phobos is a synthesizer based on the unexplored precept of polyconvolution as a synthesis engine. BT came up with this idea many years ago doing sound design. Instead of using convolution for reverb or modeling an amplifier’s distortion circuit, it makes a “reverb” impulse response tonal.

Here’s a hands-on look at Phobos:


  • Polyconvolution synthesizer, across 3 separate convolvers
  • Contains 2401 unique sounds, created by BT, that can be used both as a source or as an impulse response
  • Over 700 presets showcasing the possibilities of Phobos
  • Plugin that loads directly into any DAW that supports VST / VST3 / AU / AAX.
  • Over 90 sextillion combinations of sounds

Pricing and Availability

Phobos is available for pre-order for US $229 (normally $299).

13 thoughts on “Spitfire + BT Intro Phobos Polyconvolution Synthesizer

  1. Convolution has massive potential as a DSP process- both for FX, and now for synthesis–(now that computers are fast enough). Unlike many soft synth offerings which use various combinations of subtractive, wavetable, wave-shapping, or FM, this brings something pretty unique to the table. It’s a sample player, but runs everything through convolutions.

    Given that this truly is a groundbreaking synth, they are letting the demo and the sounds speak for themselves and are being relatively measured in their “hyping”. That’s refreshingly non-annoying.

    This obviously relies on lots of samples and focuses on loops. I would have been curious to see if they had (or could) employ some velocity switching with the various convolutions carriers and mods.

    1. But convolution isn’t just reverb– though that is an AMAZING application of it. By convolving one signal with another you can emulate speaker cabinets, acoustic instrument resonators, and morph a signal in many, many ways that are at the same time heavily CPU intensive and decidedly non-digital sounding.

      I usually gloss over the “90 sextillion” combinations. The main questions are: Will it make useful sounds? Can I import my own samples? Does it have a path forward?

      1. This looks lovely me, quite an innovative instrument. The introductory price is less than $299. Sometimes the better things in life cost a little more and I think we need to remember that only a few years ago this software would have been unthinkable at any price. They don’t give away the likes of Omnisphere. Spitfire make quality products, I would hope this one was quality too

    1. Yes, ios for affordable music apps. The reason I’m using an iPad for all my music creation at the moment. Whilst I appreciate windies platform has lots of free synths… the paid ones would amount to more than the cost of an iPad pro if you buy a handful of them.

  2. Netro — No info on d&d (manual isn’t available until the 6th), but I suspect there must at least be the ability to import your own samples, otherwise how useless would it be? It would just be a “BT Box”. 😉

  3. There is NO capability for importing your own samples.

    Look carefully before you buy. Spitfire hides their manuals in the purchased download, and once you’ve downloaded, there are no refunds. There are no demo downloads. This makes it difficult to identify missing functions in their products, particularly the ones that are not Kontakt-based … and this one is not Kontakt-based.

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