Behringer founder Uli Behringer today announced that the company will be launching two new synthesizers at Superbooth 17, scheduled for April 20-22, 2017 in Berlin.
Behringer has previously teased two new synth designs:
- The DeepMind 12 Desktop – a keyboardless version of their recently introduced DeepMind 12 synthesizer, expected to be priced around US $899.
- The ‘Behringer D’ Eurorack Minimoog Clone – a rackmount Minimoog clone, designed to fit into Eurorack modular systems, priced around US $400.
Note that the company has not confirmed that these are the synths that they’ll be launching officially next week
Glad to hear they are making the non-kbd version a reality. Very tempting, indeed.
Just $100 less for a non-keyboard version ? Hope that is a big “around”
Perhaps in the Behringer value-scale, (i.e. relative to the other costs in the device), the keyboard really isn’t that much extra. I guess we shouldn’t hold our breath for an audio input (or two).
he also is talking about a drum machine
Deepmind 12 desktop is what I was waiting for.
Yeah I’ve been waiting for the DM12 desktop too. Owning a real Minimoog I’ve no interest in his clone, but it IS very amusing seeing it come to fruition lol
It’s a “Behringer D”, not a Minimoog.
Maybe Behringer will surprise everyone and release a full-size OSCar clone. I would buy one.
I dont care about the Deepmind, but look forward to hear this Minimoog. I hope it sounds better than the original because then it is a must buy!
What’s the square root of -1?
The square root of -1 is the complex number i
i is an imaginary number. A complex number has a Real element too, e.g. i + 3
i is a complex number with real(i)=0.
Software clones are indistinguishable during live exhibitions, and it’s not easy even with a blind test (I don’t need to link you a few blind tests were great musicians cannot distinguish between cheaper and original instruments, right?): why should a good hardware clone, at least on par with Arturia’s emulations (but probably even better), should be a bad thing? I’m fed up with rich people or spoiled kids telling us “if it doesn’t cost 2000$, it must not exist”. Welcome to the real world.
You’re talking about the end users, the listeners. Yeah, they don’t know or care. But musicians care, those of us that still actually play instruments. Vsts are lackluster for performance because, while we may not be able to consciously hear 10ms latency, when you’re playing you can feel less than 1ms latency, and that’s going to effect the quality of performance. Budget hardware is difficult because the controls may not respond consistently, the keybeds feel like plastic junk, and the build qualities aren’t designed to withstand the road. Again, these details effect the ability of the performer. The sound may be passable, but an instrument is more than just sound.Behringer’s prices would have to come way down for me to consider taking a chance on their reputation. Dm12 would have to be sub $500.
“Dm12 would have to be sub $500.” – Spoiled brat. You want our asian slaves to work for nothing!? Deplorable!
would you say…. basket of deplorable?
@Kenny ….. I don’t notice any more latency with my VST synths than I do with my hardware synths, and I have lots of hardware synths, been doing this 40 years now, and as a jazz/fusion/prog player believe me when there is latency, especially during a solo, I feel it. BUT ….. I’m using a PCIe card (EMU 1616m) and a very very fast gaming class rig. I did try out a couple USB and firewire interfaces a while back for giggles, and the latency was pretty bad to the point I said screw it and went back to my EMU PCIe card and interface. If I was still working live gigs these days it would be with my Jupiter 80 sitting over a Kronos .. no computer or iPad .. but actually there was a period back in the day I did 4-5 nights a week 9:00pm – 1:30am gigs with my Jupiter 8/DX7/FZ1 and an Apple IIe running a sequencer .. never once did that old Apple IIe crap out on me, but I got ridicueled enough using it on stage that I finally quit using it on jobs. Now days nobody blinks when you have an iPad or laptop on stage with your rig, but I would still feel a little weird ….. guess my 80’s audiences scarred me for life psychologically lol.
the true “blind test” is to see what Stevie Wonder thinks of this new Behringer Model “D”,…especially after hes used the Moog since the 70s. we shall see…
This is much sooner than I expected. Bravo Uli, excellent progress.!
Can’t wait to hear some high-quality audio demos of the UliMoog/Behringer D.
@Anders ….. Well if it sounds better than the original then its not a clone anymore ????
Read the article. It’s all conjecture. We don’t know what models will be announced. That said, one of them will almost certainly be the mini-clone.
I’ve heard preliminary tests and it does in fact sound exactly like the Minimoog
Sure you have.
Even if the Minimoog Clone doesn’t sound exact, if it had DCO’s for stable oscillators, that’s a positive. It also has MIDi and other extra goodies tucked inside.
Re. The DM12 desktop – it should be at least a couple hundred bucks cheaper than the keyboard because of much less hardware / moving parts needed !
$100 off and you give up a keyboard with aftertouch. Might be good if space is a consideration but I’d go for the whole deal myself.
Yep, that’s what I did. And the keyboard feels good, so it was a win.
I’ve been siting on the fence about the DM12 Desktop. Initially it was on my list but has almost dropped off. It needs to come into the markets with the same price different other manufactures use between full/desktop version.
Because at the moment its a nice to have, not a must have IMO.
MFW the two new synthesizers turn out to be a Synthi 100 and a CS80
Can I afford to be the first person to record an all Behringer album? Using my plethora of Behringer clone synths and Behringer clone drum machines? Going through my Behringer mixer into my Behringer DAW?
Maybe I’ll even have some budget leftover for a couple of those $20 Behringer pedals.
I’ll buy the desktop version if they make a VST editor for it, so I can do some practical/simple automation and routing via my DAW, I like the idea of the iPAD app for actually making the sound but automation would be so much easier on a DAW
It’s called MIDI- try it someday. Your DAW comes with it.
I agree with Netro. You are oversimplifying his idea. Of course there is midi, but it’s always nice to have a nice graphical interface to work with a hardware synth in the daw. It’s 2017, who wants to struggle with obscure procedure when simpler path are available. tsssss
Your DAW has a piano roll and graphical interface, right? It’s not “obscure” it’s basic beginner stuff – cc messages. You need someone to chew your food too? Pretty shiny interfaces? I mean do you want VST presets, or a physical analog instrument? Do you really need a full on vst plug in to control for “simple” or “practical” when it already has midi cc? It’s not that hard as an adult to read the manual? Or are we too spoiled for that now?
I design all my vst controller via CTRLR for my synths : around 10 panels until now. I’d rather buy a synth bundled with this essential piece of software. It’s not my job to do this ; the synth manufacturer should do it ! Moog does it for example.
You can’t talk for everybody when it comes to use of hardware synth, workflow etc. Me, I use the screen of my computer more than the physical synth. I don’t mind the physical interaction.
Why does Moog do it? Why does Virus do? They must be idiots.
Why would you think the PDF manual is faster then right clicking a knob and automating that parameter? WHY WHY WHY!!
Speed and DAW control is actually pretty damn important to me. Maybe you don’t produce this way or at all, that is okay, we all do different things.
I can make really fast precise automations with this in my daw. I know how to route CC, no need to get moody or combative, I have old synths also brosephine.
If you have ever used any VST, routing is insanely faster than reading through the PDF manual if you want to do more complex time based automation and a lot of it. I didn’t mean to get on your nerves here or confuse you.
Maybe we can still be friends.
Your buddy,
p.s. love you
Brosephine ? Lol !
Personally I don’t want to look at the midi implementation while making music (If it’s 14bit, then it starts being unmanageable). A panel is a good thing. It keeps the process intuitive + it’s quite magical to control and automate a hardware synth form a crappy interface on the screen. Quite mesmerizing…
I’m right you know ? You should expect more things from hardware nowadays. There is a strong competition on the vst side ; they better evolve in regard of integration with modern workflow and we (the users) better encourage them :p !
People like “why” make me not even want to read the comments anymore.
I tried the 4000,- € new Minimoog Model D at Justmusic in Berlin. I was disappointed. It was terribly loud (overload) and sounded like nothing I have heard on LP or CD. No effects, and a disappointing keybed and wheels. Why does anybody pay so much money for a monophonic synth? The only things that are worth that money are Oberheim OB-X, Xa and 8.
The Minimoog is completely overvalued. You have to pay for magic that isn’t there.
Soft-synth Minimoogs are designed to include the “magic.”
As usual in one of these threads, a bitter guy who can’t afford the real thing, tells himself the classic synth is trash, so he can feel amazing about buying a cheap clone or ghetto softsynths. The model D sounds great. It plays great. Your complaints are not valid- built in fx on a model d? You simply need to drop the ego and accept your finances, move on, grow up, etc
Admin: Personal attack deleted.
Keep comments on topic and constructive.
As usual, a guy that has to justify his $3500 purchase by pretentiously bashing softsynths and clones despite there being no logical reason to justify spending $3500 on a 40 year old design and be a condescending dickweed about someone elses finances which are of no business of his.
And just to chip in, I also tried the new Model D and was disappointed. Couldn’t get it to stay in tune across octaves and the key bed really is sub par.
How about we start talking about Behringer synths *after* they’re released? No other company has been getting this kind of incessant rumour coverage.
Yes, they’re going to crush the competition by reissuing a range of classic synthesizers using modern Chinese manufacturing. And, yes, the response to this strategy is polarized – half love it, half hate it.
No post about DeepMind 6…. strange…
The fact it’s only $100 less is because the keyboard used is inexpensive. One of my complaints about the Deepmind 12 is the keyboard. I don’t like the way it feels at all. However, I love the sounds and would easily opt for the rack. But only after Behringer can prove these can hold up. I sold their stuff years ago and am still very tainted by all the problems I had.
The problem is the $999 price point of the keyboard model. That should have been $1299 instead and it wouldn’t have affected a single sale. Then the people wouldn’t be complaining about the $899 desktop version not having enough of a price difference.