Minijam Studio A Pocket-Sized Collection Of Music Gear

At Superbooth 17, Mindflood Ltd., the makers of Patchblocks, introduced minijam studio – a collection of portable electronic music gear.

minijam is based on the idea of boiling down a hardware studio or live performance setup to very compact and affordable products. The studio includes a drum machine, a wavetable synthesizer, an analog filter, a mixer and a speaker.

We talked with developer Sebastian Heinz, who gave us a hands-on demo of three of the four elements of minijam studio.

Production of minijam studio is being funded via a Kickstarter project, which is already fully funded. Demos with high quality audio are available at the project site.

Pricing and Availability

The minijam studio will be priced at 130.00 GBP (about US $163). Additional options are available at the Kickstarter project page. Shipping is expected to be in September 2017.

9 thoughts on “Minijam Studio A Pocket-Sized Collection Of Music Gear

  1. love the mobile ability of this ,live rave in mc donalds carpark anyone??
    that speaker is wack though ,gonna need twin 15 inch subs in each

  2. It’s a tantalising idea but I think the pocket operators and volcas are a more complete package and enjoyable experience from the look of it.

    1. These are a quarter of the price of the volcas, and about half the price of the pocket operators (including a case).

      But it’s not an either/or thing – it’s new options.

      Also – this fills the need for portable mixer for the volcas.

  3. I was thinking about getting the set, but after listening to a few of the demos I’m just going to get the tek.drum. Probably…

  4. Looks like a fun set of gizmos and at a more reasonable price. I always though the volcas and operators looked really overpriced(which is why I never bought into them), esp. the operators as there nearly just a bare circuit board.

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