AudioNowcast Features Spectrasonics Founder Eric Persing

The latest episode of AudioNowcast, a podcast for audio professionals, features special guest Eric Persing (right), famed sound designer and founder of Spectrasonics.

Persing is a musician and composer that’s worked with a who’s who of the music industry. Before founding Spectrasonics, he was Chief Sound Designer for Roland Corporation and created some of the most iconic sounds of electronic music.

Here’s what host Mike Rodriguez has to say about the latest AudioNowcast:

On our last episode, we had Eric Persing on. He talked about designing some of the great classic sounds of Roland synths, Digital Native Dance, Fantasia for the D50 and a bunch of others.

The episode is the 11th anniversary of the podcast and also features a lot of discussion with regulars Bobby Owsinski, Diego Stocco, Scott Gershin, Rob Arbittier and others. The discussion with Persing starts about 40 minutes into the podcast. 

You can listen to the show via the embed below or at the AudioNowcast site:

Audio Player

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