This video, via Rüdiger Gaenslen, compares the Behringer Deepmind 12 against Roland Jupiter 8.
While both synths sound good, the comparison highlights some differences, like the tendency for the Jupiter 8’s VCOs to have more tuning variance and drift, compared to the default on the DM12. Gaenslen also shares some tricks that he uses to get the Deepmind closer to the classic sound of the Jupiter 8, including detuning the oscillators and adding oscillator drift.
These tricks can help get more of a ‘vintage’ analog sound from other synths, too, along with introducing scaling imperfections and rolling off the high end a bit.
Check it out and let us know what you think of the comparison! And if you’ve got your own tips for getting a more classic analog sound from modern synths, share them in the comments!
Jupiter 8 vs Deepmind 12 lol. Not even gonna bother watching .. I owned and worked with a Jupiter 8 for 10 years, and now have a Deepmind 12 keyboard. Its apples vs. avacados.
I’m dying to know…. which one is the avocados?
I love both.
I’m not sure about the avocado but here’s a banana.
jupiter8 is avocado for sure
There seems to be a longer latency between the keypress and the sound on the DM12 than the J8.
He should turn the effects off on the Deepmind 12 and try the comparison again. LOL
Why?…that is the reason why you have the FXs…to USE them!
In Deep the Mind 12 is such a much more versatile machine. The last is a worse programmed patch and the “tricks” are the most obvious things on the DM12. I never turn the FX on, just some EQ on the mixer. There will be better videos.
A handy demonstration of the fact that the DM12 sounds rather thin and tinny in comparison to the warm lushness of the Jupiter 8.
It rather shows the opposite
As well as any other analog synth including vintage Roland synths sound thin in comparison with Jupiter 8.
Dollar for dollar I wouldn’t consider buying a genuine Jupiter 8 now. The Deepmind would sit nicely in a mix and nobody would care. In 1980 I had a Jupiter 8 and an Oberheim OBX and the Jupiter was brash and shrill while the OB was full and rich.
Then something was wrong with your Jupiter 8 because there is nothing brash and shrill about it, only warmth and color.
Jupiter 8 is for collectors, you can emulate it many ways (if you must) but new synths are just as good and a hell of a lot cheaper and more stable. Its ironic that synthesis was supposed to be the ‘future’ of music, hi-tech, interesting, evolving…all anyone seems to do is try and sound like the 1970s….this is nostalgia rather than musicality and invention.
I listened to the first demo only – of the chord progression on both. You say they’re the same. I can hear a difference! The Jupiter 8 sounds richer, thicker and deeper. Can’t you hear it? Not really sure why you’re comparing this to a Jupiter 8 in any case – surely a comparison with a JX8P would have been more useful?
Perhaps the reason for that is to show the sound difference is not worth the price difference. With JX8P the DM12 would clearly be the winner.
Is it a HUGE difference? How many people listening to either synth in a song are going to hear the difference? Do you have a picture in your mind of a dance floor being emptied because word got around that “psssssttt….. pass it on, we’re dancing to a Behringer instrument. It’s not a vintage synth” then a queue to get as people demand their money back.
When I want a modern synth to sound more vintage, I like to assign one of the oscillator’s tuning to keyboard tracking and detune it by a really small value. Each note is then detuned differently! Massive chords…
Gee, let me see. Compared to the analog poly synths available today, a limited 30+ year old synth that goes for huge dollars (and will cost big bucks when repairs are needed) or modern, reliable analog poly synths with far more features that sell for much less and come with a warranty. Hmmm?
I’m sure that people who listen to music whether recorded or live will be saying, “You know, that synth doesn’t sound as good as a Jupiter 8.” Not going to happen.
Cue the subjectivity: I’ve played a Jupiter 8. I would rather have ANY of the modern polys, including the DM12.
Agree. I have soft synths that are as warm and far, far more flexible than the Jupiter 8. And I have owned a Jupiter 8, so I am well versed in its shortcomings compared to today’s gear.
It was a nice video. He does a good job of matching the sounds of the two machines.
With the very first sound, the Jupiter 8 had some low bass frequencies that were not present in the DM12, but I expect that could be added with either some EQ or bypassing the HPF.
His overall point– that you can thicken, detune, and add effects to get a very rich sound– is clearly demonstrated.
Still think the Jupiter 4 is fatter and warmer than either of these.
Nah….I’m way far Fatter and warmer than any Synth out there
I don’t think it’s a very level playing field. Two very different instruments; one almost nobody can afford, the other almost anyone can afford. I very much doubt that a video like this will make people want to rush out and buy a genuine JP-8, but it might sell a few DM12s.
There is no comparison. I had both, sent the DM12 back.
I hate to complain because I’m interested in the video, but the sound was poor;
his voice was quiet and the synths were loud…
For what it’s worth, the Deepmind 12 can blow out a candle. And does it using only one of the two fans inside! Beat that you sillu jupiters and junos!
so as he says use the DM12 “2 voices” per key trick to sound like the Jupiter 8’s single voice per key, .and then it starts to get “kinda” close (debatable).
Moral: the DM12 voices are half of what the JP8s voices are.
Detuned saws for the most part I believe a synth (and jupiter) should be much more capable than this.
There is definitely a difference. Is it a ten thousand dollar price difference? I don’t think so. Having said that, I wish I owned a JP8. I tried the DM12 and I liked it, but then it created a burst of digital noise through the outputs that sounded way worse than any feedback I’ve ever heard. I can’t take a chance of that happening on a gig or to my ears. But the synth itself was very cool and like an advanced 106. Maybe after a few software updates I’d consider getting one.
The JP8 wins by a landslide. Now I’d like to see R5’s Rydel Lynch play one.
DM12 sounds compressed big time compared to JP8. I owned the DM12 and hated it. I also have a Jupiter 8. Sent the DM12 back. I am not an anti Behringer guy either, as I am looking forward to seeing what they can do with the OBXA but the DM12 was horrible for raw synth sounds, but great for pads and soundtrack patches.